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Everything posted by Flex

  1. I'm not saying MD was better, I just had brand loyalty form an early age. My best friend had a SNES, I still love him. Obviously not as much as I could have because of the SNES.
  2. A forty year old man who cant remember what he had for breakfast wouldnt Nintendo dusch bag.
  3. I had the CD, it was rubbish. Not even heard of the 32x was that Nitendogturd?
  4. All you Nintendo w@nkers can do one. SEGA FTW!!!!!
  5. I like the recent jag stuff but cant get on with that.
  6. Perhaps you should have paid more? Sounds like you are about to spend quite a lot even if you're going to do it yourself. That said all the best with your journey.
  7. It's the small things lol.
  8. About 3mm so not the end of the world bit of a PITA though!
  9. I would but who would make my tea. I jest. She never makes tea.
  10. Hiya Blurtie! Cool username.
  11. So I'll start: Weekend, Mrs had me laying decking, putting up various structures, come last night (Sunday) back is broken. Take decking screws into garage. Back gives way. Spill half of contents into garage (right behind Z). Mrs starts to pick them up, says "got most of them, will get rest later". Me, thinks 'hopefully none went under the Zed'......... .......Monday morning Text message from wife - tyre blown on Zed. Why oh why didnt I check closer!!!! Bugger.
  12. Just had one go pop on the off chance. Bugger.
  13. Why stop there. I feel like the belly would be all kinds of fun... I like your style. Love a bit of distrubed btw. The first album of theirs I bought was purely on their album art/cover.
  14. Just get the disturbed art tattooed onto your face
  15. Nice, do love a good Shogun.
  16. I think anyone can do well, if informed. BUT it is still gambling. goodluck.
  17. Interesting/world of hurt/more money/time/b@llocks/wtf
  18. No luck with Alex in previous post then?
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