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Everything posted by Flex

  1. I'm cutting down on that drug, down to one cup in the morning and everything else is caffeine free. If you need help quitting I'm willing to offer support. Favourite (and a bit chavy I guess) is a Starbuck mocha.
  2. Yeah it does not inspire confidence in their site with ads like that floating around.
  3. Accountancy software tends to fail unless web browser orientated. Most tend to be windows.
  4. I would love to leave windows but most of my work stuff is not compatible or would take a shed load of my time to convert etc etc. I have Linux on a spare desktop which has a lot of cool stuff for free but you need to learn the install stuff to install extra software, having said that it's sweet as a spare machine to surf and do office stuff on if I leave my lappy at the office. Totally depends on what you need day to day IMO.
  5. Flex

    Silver lip

    Totally awesome! Me likey!
  6. This thread has gone mental and the jokes still keep coming
  7. Surely it's your tax, as it's your car? Send off the form to DVLA anyway mate, what you got to lose?
  8. Oh man, I want them sooo much, a little chavy but yowzer!!
  9. Mine is the same model and does'nt do it so insinuates something you can turn off/on. Appreciate that this is very little help (sorry). good luck!
  10. See if these work, resolution is terrible!!
  11. Cheers bud, thought I might have to do something like that just didnt want to set up account but I'll do it. Thanks!!
  12. What an epic clean! I can't afford to spend that long cleaning it every other week! Clay bar took loads of extra crap off the paint work, sorry I didn't take photo's of the dirt on the clay bar, will do next time. I'm trying to insert pics but cant as the pixel dimensions don't work, searched for advice on inserting but no good. Any help on this much appreciated.
  13. +1 as I have the same problem!! Save me a search
  14. 11 plate. Middlesbrough about 12pm today (04/02/12)
  15. Mmm, I think I'd still rather buy the parts off of Alex and then drop it to the garage and pay for an hours labour.
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