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Everything posted by Flex

  1. There is: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coulrophobia Beat me builder, you really do lurve her!
  2. No but lots of flying dreams! Also when I was younger and Dean Cane played him in the series I had too many comments saying I looked like him and once got shouted at by a clown on stilts in a shopping centre surrounded by kids say hey superman! Highly embarrassing!
  3. So this game, what does it involve?
  4. Great job and one of the first new members not to get the dreaded:
  5. You will love it! This is funny though; me and my mate did a bike track day on monday and he did a free instructor session. They went out, the instructor fracked off and when they came in the instructor said 'I thought you were going to keep up?' Anyway sure yours will be ace, enjoy!
  6. I think red might be the best colour and I love my black. Great job
  7. That is sweet, I will be interested just had a lot of cash leaving my account so will be in touch as soon as reserves are restored.
  8. i thought it was tyres but every time i search, or type it with something with a spell checker it comes up as 'tire'. That last post was the first time i ever spelled it that way and i get shot down... guess i was correct the first time I'm really, really sorry but I can not help laugh at you spell checking 'tyre'. Classic.
  9. Flex

    Fuel use poll

    Yeah buddy!!!!!!!!
  10. Haha, It's scary enough on the PS3. I'm not man enough to do it in real life!
  11. Total score on the TT comment!
  12. I feel he just wanted to show off his origami!
  13. Those you tube clips are sweet, thanks fro sharing!
  14. Not fair, still waiting mine!
  15. That's a bit personal That's the way I roll. Anyway fun over I actually prefer red but I think it's a bit too flash. I would defo have a nice blue one. Just so I am sure.... we are still talking cars yes? It suits so many areas, you choose!
  16. That's a bit personal That's the way I roll. Anyway fun over I actually prefer red but I think it's a bit too flash. I would defo have a nice blue one.
  17. Most popular is not always best, Jedward have had 2 platinum selling albums.... By coincidence I have all their albums. Also did I mention black is best?
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