You`d be surprised at how easy it is. Baring in mind im a 14.5 stone skinhead, when I used to do debt collecting I grew a big goatee beard, and used to turn up at peoples houses wearing big dm boot`s and a bomber jacket. People used to take one look at me and decide to clear there debt there & then. Those who didnt had no problems with me taking their telly or whatever away. Its all about the stereotypical type of person people associate with an image. The fact im nice as pie (oooh.... pies!) and certainly wouldnt have done anything against the law in order to persuade someone to pay their debt was neither here nor there. It was opening your door to someone who looked like a serious thug which did the trick.
I remember when I moved into my old house, my neighbours were bricking it when they saw me for the first few times, especially when me & my mates would be messing about working on our motorbikes in the drive. They assumed I was some hells angel. It was only when they saw me going off to work in my 3 piece suit and got to know me they realised I was fine!
So id get a bomber jacket, shave your head, grow a goatee then knock on his door asking him to turn the music down! problem solved!
Sounds like a good plan but I'll probably just look like one of the village people!