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Everything posted by Flex

  1. Awesome, hope the insurance covered most of the mods!
  2. 29. Dreaming about driving your Zed, had another last night! (Fully clothed).
  3. To be fair if you type 'Search Function' into Search you only get 8 pages, I am sure before you used to get about 8,000,000 You are seldom fair A bit harsh.... I'm going to find a corner for a little cry now I doubt it but if it is true be strong and soldier on. Have a great day!
  4. To be fair if you type 'Search Function' into Search you only get 8 pages, I am sure before you used to get about 8,000,000 You are seldom fair
  5. Where is the search function?
  6. You`d be surprised at how easy it is. Baring in mind im a 14.5 stone skinhead, when I used to do debt collecting I grew a big goatee beard, and used to turn up at peoples houses wearing big dm boot`s and a bomber jacket. People used to take one look at me and decide to clear there debt there & then. Those who didnt had no problems with me taking their telly or whatever away. Its all about the stereotypical type of person people associate with an image. The fact im nice as pie (oooh.... pies!) and certainly wouldnt have done anything against the law in order to persuade someone to pay their debt was neither here nor there. It was opening your door to someone who looked like a serious thug which did the trick. I remember when I moved into my old house, my neighbours were bricking it when they saw me for the first few times, especially when me & my mates would be messing about working on our motorbikes in the drive. They assumed I was some hells angel. It was only when they saw me going off to work in my 3 piece suit and got to know me they realised I was fine! So id get a bomber jacket, shave your head, grow a goatee then knock on his door asking him to turn the music down! problem solved! Sounds like a good plan but I'll probably just look like one of the village people!
  7. What did he say? I kinda guess what you said If it's been two years, that's ridiculous. Why have you waited so long? Start recording dates and times, contact the council every single time, just start being a pest really. If it's that bad they'll sort it, if you're exaggerating then they won't. We haven't waited that long, we reported it well over a year ago and then the housing ass threatened to kick him out. He went VERY quite for around 6months. Just started up again over the last 2 months. bad times!
  8. Ricey, I like it but I couldn't look 'hard' to save my life. Funny though
  9. What does he do? - plays some sort of sh1te music that I can't identify When does he do it? - 12-3.30am Fri/Sat/Sun When did it start? - about 2 yrs ago What did he say when you spoke to him about it? Please turn it down, please stop.
  10. He's a jobless wonder who does nothing so probably driven by boredom! So you haven't spoken to him yet then? Try that first, you might be surprised. Yep, we've all (everyone on the street) have done at some point. He's normally stoned off his face. He's a complete w@nker.
  11. He's a jobless wonder who does nothing so probably driven by boredom!
  12. Having to write to local housing association again any experience with anyone in getting a satisfactory resolve?
  13. I was in my black 350z I did wave!
  14. Cool, giving blood tonight so prob skip the gym. Will try and get down Saturday
  15. Good job Steve. Can I have a nose next time you're at the gym?
  16. I thought you were a fitter of gagets:) You know what I have but am not posting, so Pm me fir details:) Peter is it a shotgun?/quote]Funny enough lol http://www.ukspeedtraps.co.uk/le30.htm Seriously though if you get caught with this on surely they'll throw away the key?
  17. I thought you were a fitter of gagets:) You know what I have but am not posting, so Pm me fir details:) Peter is it a shotgun?
  18. I use the free system of sticking to speed limits! Got 3 points last month and just attended speed awareness course last night. No more speeding for me! Ouch!
  19. Size isn't everything Luckily for me!
  20. they look bigger than the Brembo on the 350, unless the guy holding them has child like hands?
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