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Everything posted by Flex

  1. Flex

    Photoshop help #2

    +1. I have to agree +1 If I post up a picture of myself laying naked in bed can someone please photoshop Cheryl Cole on top of me as I have often wondered what it would look like.... Someone pass the sick bag!
  2. Personally I wouldn't bother with sprucing it up, just replace the radio. I guess the only thing it really needs other than a radio is spacers.
  3. Probably just mismanaged, our local track is doing really well!
  4. Wow, that's the sort of thing I'd do. Tuff luck buddy. Hope you get sorted soon!
  5. That's a good model. However, your missus must have been surprised when it popped out are you sure it's yours?
  6. Long shot possibly but is 'yeah buddy' from good old Ronnie C?
  7. Bring us back to this? http://www.amazon.co.uk/product-reviews ... ewpoints=1 Repost but extremely funny.
  8. I guess the OP is still punishing her hubby (lucky bugger).
  9. Guten Tag!! Congrats on your purchase!
  10. Flex


    Seems like a film we can all learn something from, morals, driving skills, acting etc etc.
  11. Get a 3 month warranty and make sure it's not using copious amounts of oil (if they'd cover the engine??). Probably slim chance of this happening but worth a shot anyone?
  12. Perhaps Ricey could write a letter?
  13. But I guess chances of that happening again are fairly slim.
  14. You have been told now, you naughty boy! NEVER EVER, EVER REPOST!!!!
  15. Good suggestion! Nothing like the power of laughter to gently get your point across!
  16. Sounds like he is totally disrespectful. I don't think there's an easy solution unless you are a master of tact. Unfortunately sounds as if he's already set the bar as to how he's going to treat you as a neighbour. In an ideal world you'd go round and tell him to sort it but face to face he may just flare up (intentionally or not), a nice letter could do it but might seem like a bit of overkill/strange to him. The fact is that not everyone loves their cars as much as we do and in this instance I think it's more his mate at fault as he should have said to your neighbour it would be more considerate to cut the wood elsewhere. I've just moved to a new house so I think I'll try and act hard from the outset to nip anything like this in the bud early rather than let them think they can do whatever they like. I tried to be nice to a neighbour when we moved everything by going round introducing myself and asking if I could just park the van outside for 5 minutes whilst I unloaded some heavy stuff. I was immediately confronted by NO NO NO! which upset me as I was making the effort! I've just moved away from a noisy neighbour too which we have tried to settle amicably but he is just an inconsiderate @rse and I'm now hoping he won't hinder my old house being rented out, otherwise I'm going to be financially boned! Anyway worthless input but just to let you know I feel your pain!
  17. Surely that's just either uncomfortable for you or other users of public transport?
  18. *head explodes from too many double entendres* seems we've been ignored!
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