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Everything posted by Flex

  1. Some people are just cocks, thats all. I think it's cause there's been a full moon!
  2. Is that what you tell the Mrs
  3. Flex

    Me and flexib

    I'll take that as a compliment! You should as I have the OEM wheels on my Kuro and so far i've been pretty reluctant to get them refurbed rather than saving up for a new set of Rota's or something, might just get this done in the mean time Haha! Top man! Perhaps a nice deep purple would work too? Get some pics up once you've had them done! I dont htink mice where too expensive, about £50 per wheel.
  4. Flex

    Me and flexib

    I'll take that as a compliment!
  5. Yeh the min they can go for is £800 Would you ever lose value if they went for £800?
  6. Also he says no reserve but there is an £800 reserve, no?
  7. The .gov site is pretty comprehensive for lots of stuff, I was going to suggest citizens advice centre too for 1 to 1 advice. Also you can call ACAS they will talk to you over the phone for free too.
  8. Must be gutted! She is a beautiful lady!
  9. Ooooo! A white one! Do only imports come in white? Very nice!
  10. I suppose 80085 would have been even better!
  11. I happened to look down at the mileage in the beastly Almera and this is what was there, well it amused me anyway....
  12. Flex

    Me and flexib

    Much the same but hey here you go: I must admit that blue is similar to my old GTI and I like it muchos.
  13. Flex

    Me and flexib

    Are you sure you didn't recognise it?
  14. Flex

    Me and flexib

    Nice one bud! I think these look better than my shots And we resisted going doging!!
  15. They dont like text speak though, mainly cause most of them are quite old and don't understand what you mean. Errrr, what does ROFL stand for?
  16. Top form as ever, classic. Also welcome, so want a 370z, just outa my reach!
  17. Good start to your posting! I sold my old gti earlier this yr was really sad to see her go after 10 yrs of ownership.
  18. Whilst it's not a solution I do think that any premium charged should go directly into a fund to help victims/hospitals etc that have to deal with the side effects of social freedom. If this already happens then please forgive my ignorance, it's abundant.
  19. Would love to, trying to source a tent, unless there are any young fit blondes with room in their tent? Ideally 2 blondes who like cooking etc. PS don't tell my Mrs.
  20. That's just insane. Not surprised though! Thanks for the info.
  21. Why would keeping the car in the garage be more i belive this was the other way round ? Please enlighten us!
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