So I'm bringing the r33 anyway, as Stugart doesnt want answer, I'll either be with you or not, I'll still be with you either way obviously.
We're camping in the new forest, boom.
Just factor the cost in as likely need to be replaced or move on until you find one with enough tread not to worry you but then something else will concern you and so the cycle continues.
Or just make sure you have enough contingency set aside for such things.
Yeah well good luck with that Flex. It's not the 1920's anymore.
If it all goes t**s up with the sort of missiles & WMD's of today you're going to need more than a corrugated pig pen covered with a few inches of soil on top.
I'll just park the Shogun over the top
Bit impulsive, been looking at Discos but few horror stories and prices put me off a bit, saw this on Monday, trained over yesterday and bought it. £1800, LPG conversion, barge city. Love it:
Just need to sell the Scirocco now!!
Always apply beer, before during and after. If unsure about how much beer to use, top up with more beer.
Dont forget to eat though during the course of beer application.
We were covered on our bank gold account too...but only for breakdown assistance, presume you got Relay on yours?
Oh I'm not sure I should check really, I think so......