I mean this in the nicest possible way..... if someone drove into a lampost on my street, I would prob report it aswell.
I would imagine it happens quite regularly in your neck of the woods?
I'm never ashamed there must be something you're ashamed of
£20 sounds a good deal
Can a radio from another Zed be paired/hooked into another?
Only if it is 'divorced' from the parent car's ECU I believe...
See I can be helpful
I knew it really! Now be helpful for the rest of the day
Was it already in the car when u bought it? Trace the lead back or see if theres a serial number on it? Might be a tracker? Ejector seat?
Surely he'd know what it was if this wasnt the case?
I'm gonna purchase a charger of some description, ideally one that will dual up for my motor bike too (if poss).
Obviously I could trawl web but it's nice to stay in touch with y'all.
Sounds complicated and I have not got a clue but in order to attract attention I've replied.
I know search is not working but you can do a google search for your topic including 350z-uk and that will be as effective as searching the site (I'm pretty sure).
Good luck dude!