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Everything posted by Flex

  1. O come on that was only a very small part of the conversation Harsh! But we know it's a lie as the limit is 5
  2. Neil's just too big to fit in there!!
  3. Flex


    We will need photographic evidence Dave!
  4. Flex


    btw, happy to hire this out
  5. Flex


    I think I saw SMD in this shop...
  6. Yes, because the head unit is so desirable and easy to take out they had to be careful and add this extra security measure.
  7. For me it's invaluable as when I consult with the Mrs she tells me to tell them to do one but it's nice to get the opinion of someone who has been there and done that and they are happy for you to talk it through with them. Costs about £150 per year but you get discount on the deposit scheme and other discounts too so not too bad overall.
  8. Also I signed up with the national landlords association, they have free helpline (most of whom are landlords themselves). It's been really helpful to talk things through with them.
  9. I've got mixed opinions really and I've just rented my house out too. I try and stress my tenants to be careful if they want to do anything. In this situation as Ekona says I think a bit of give and take, however, it does seem like they've gone at it hard. I would make sure you document it well with them and at state you might want to deduct from their deposit so at least you can discuss now.
  10. Flex


    Oh yes, I'm McDonald's lovin this app! Sweet!
  11. Flex

    Side Skirts

    There's a dude with some for sale in the for sale section with the last month or so. They are non oem, have a looksie.
  12. I'm sure someone can tear it to shreds
  13. And then I found what I was looking for under 'view new content'. oopsy.
  14. Ok, ok I'm lazy! In the old site their was a long list of active topics and then an unread section, do they still exist or is there just the small selection of active topics in the general forum area? And btw I'm not complaining about the new site! looks great!
  15. As your first job Graham, can you help me navigate the new site!?
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