I strongly recommend the brand 'tudor', originally created by the founder of rolex to be an alternative to rolex. In the past few years they have been re-introduced to the uk and are doing really well. Rolex quality at a lesser price. It also seems like they do more edgy designs compared to rolex, in an attempt to compete with the companies that modify rolex watches for customers who want something a bit different (rolex hate people modifying their watches and void warranties and refuse to service them).
Some are more than you want to spend, but my favourite is the classic style... what do people think?
http://www.ernestjon...bracelet watch/
I'll take a look, like that, I do like to see mechanisms, I'll see what they do. Do like that one but perhaps a little too simple, god, I don't know. Difficult to judge without seeing in the flesh. Light on the matter is what's needed.