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Everything posted by Flex

  1. Nice, I gave up but never really tried. Just bought a violin, starting lessons next week. Should be painful.
  2. I like this, I want to start buying and selling things like watches to make a profit but other stuff like Violins too, might not be mega money in it but at least I can enjoy it whilst making some money on it.
  3. Flex


    I strongly recommend the brand 'tudor', originally created by the founder of rolex to be an alternative to rolex. In the past few years they have been re-introduced to the uk and are doing really well. Rolex quality at a lesser price. It also seems like they do more edgy designs compared to rolex, in an attempt to compete with the companies that modify rolex watches for customers who want something a bit different (rolex hate people modifying their watches and void warranties and refuse to service them). Some are more than you want to spend, but my favourite is the classic style... what do people think? http://www.ernestjon...bracelet watch/ I'll take a look, like that, I do like to see mechanisms, I'll see what they do. Do like that one but perhaps a little too simple, god, I don't know. Difficult to judge without seeing in the flesh. Light on the matter is what's needed.
  4. If i do flog her it will be August I reckon. If not next year, possibly. Lol. Might just finance an r35 for a year. I wonder if Alex could loan me his for a few months? Oh god, I dont know it's just all pie in the sky atm. Will have to both get to a local ish meet this year and meet up. Shalom.
  5. Always liked her. I'd let her do naughty things to me.
  6. Where has jamie Foxx been?
  7. Yes dont get hung up on insurance and general running costs. CD- see you're going above and beyond here I owe you 2 spins in the GTR ATM everything close to mine for sale is around £15k+, I reckon I could sell a few of the bits on it for £700-1000, that would give me a profit of about £6k but I think I've been lucky in buying at the right time and Irish road tax being about 1500 euros.
  8. Classic film.... checks to see if on netflix.
  9. Whilst I agree, the amount of D1cks I've seen on the roads over Xmas I feel a little safer if tech somewhat helps protect me and my love ones from their lack of ability.
  10. The exercise is really only to make sure not to lose money and obviously gain as much as possible even if in real terms it only breaks even. I just want the money to go up a little if nothing, it's really about a slow build up to an R35 then sell that and go for the long term keeper. Ideally I'd like to keep the 33 but I can't really justify having 4 cars. Although atm they're all fairly stable price wise if only worth £20k in total, not life changing sums of money. Or possibly just do finance on an R35, buy in the winter when hopefully a little cheaper and sell mid summer and hopefully not lose too much. Just need to pop down the docks
  11. Looking to increase, basically weighing up the options on the R33, try something else next year and work upto an R35 (I know I'll lose on that) but just to have owned one.
  12. All the time in the Shogun, just drive over them, puny cars.
  13. Flex


    Admin, please block Strudel from this thread
  14. Does it have the secret switch?
  15. I started pole dancing, fairly niche market for my 'abilities' though, so had to go back to accountancy.
  16. Flex


    Yeah I'm not really a name fan but I do want something that'll hold it's value so will need a name to achieve that.
  17. Flex


    I think they're a little out of my price range!
  18. Steve, I think you're going off the rails with this career choice.
  19. Flex


    So that's 65 yrs old? Sorry!!
  20. Quite like the look of that, so far I've been able to take or leave them but that looks fun!
  21. Flex


    In terms of checking authenticity of second hand watches, what the best way to check?
  22. Flex


    Ah, I thought it was annual lol. Yeah no worries, cheers Winker.
  23. Flex


    So do all high ends watches have high servicing costs? Sorry I missed the Troll!
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