I looked at few and I really couldn't decide browsing online, you need to see them in the flesh I think. Also did 0% finance over 3 yrs, I mean why wouldn't you for something like this? £36 per month. Boom!!
Happy 40th, I have 3 weeks left. :/
What kind of mechanism does it have?
I'm gonna sound stupid here, I know it, it's an automatic for sure, here's the link:
I agree but when I was younger, so much younger, I had to go cheap. Although I couldn't afford a Zed at 21. I could hardly afford the clapped out Capri I had. Times were different then.
Worked my bum off and been saving for a very long time to get my Zed í ½í¸ Every penny I have is money I've earned. Will probably go with Admiral, £1500 fully comp. not too bad considering I'm 21.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Top lass!
I agree but when I was younger, so much younger, I had to go cheap. Although I couldn't afford a Zed at 21. I could hardly afford the clapped out Capri I had. Times were different then.
I do like, and this is a great review, thank you for taking the time on this. Top bloke. Keep us updated of anything else that's winner, might prompt me to buy sooner rather than later.
Also I have seen many close friends and family members fallout over loans of much less value than 30k. I'd be very wary about loaning your brother 30k to invest in a property without water tight contracts and agreements in place.
I also know of a lady who with her and her husband along with a couple who they were best friends with bought a property to redevelop 50/50 all was well and good until it came to the graft and the other couple seriously let them down so they did most of the manual labour to try and recoup their investment while the other couple sat back did very little and profited out of it.
That sounds like a great idea, I hate hard graft Best suggestion so far!!