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Everything posted by Flex

  1. Heart rate thermostat?
  2. Ok so the 'girls' are both 50+ that will obv mean some things are not really applicable
  3. Lap dancers is a flurkin awesome idea but do you think they'd mind if they had to watch them dance on me? Staff are women btw.
  4. I'm not giving them my new Rado, which hasnt arrived yet!!
  5. Budget 100-300 depending on performance.
  6. I dont have a skip Unless you are referring to the Shogun then how very dare you!!!
  7. Got some good people working for me at the moment and I want to reward them this coming year. Previously only had one employee and given a bonus in pay every 3 months but things have changed a fair bit and I just wondered what people have had in bonuses i.e. presents/cash etc and what they appreciated the most. So instead of cash, perhaps weekend away or spa day? Bit of a strange question I know but there we are.
  8. They're all adult entertainment actors/resses.
  9. I totally love Milla too and my wife knows. God I want her bad.
  10. I'm trying hard to think positive thoughts but I can't. At least it wasn't too much money.
  11. How could I not go for: Patrick Stewart
  12. Well, check you out Lexx. Many for me but the mountain out of game of thrones just to see how big he is.
  13. This is a regular comment we receive. But as you say, the storage we would need is huge. Also all by hosting the pics on 3rd party sites our servers don't take the strain of retrieving and displaying the images. The cost of the upgrades to accommodate pic hosting just isn't possible as we are free to the users here. Our only income is from the traders and wouldn't cover such a massive increase in cost. Make those filthy profiteering traders pay Especially that double denim dude.
  14. Aye, but that doesn't take up too much storage space sad but true. Quick for you Matt
  15. Almost as many as pictures I have of my junk
  16. To be honest it's all a ballache, be much better if could upload direct to this site but I guess that would need tonnes of storage for all Dan's cat pictures
  17. This is what I see. Come on Lexx, pull your finger out. I joke, please don't ban me.
  18. Well, what a mean by juicy I doubt could be set up but just highest number of posts per x amount of time I guess. Obviously I follow your posts any Dan so I'll not be far behind on juicy stuff.
  19. Thanks bud, how about now https://www.tarmacsp...5de-engine.html Muchos better. How much will the economy mode save?
  20. Thanks bud, how about now https://www.tarmacsp...5de-engine.html Muchos better.
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