I have not done any research yet so bear with me.
Went to London at the weekend, decided to drive vs taking the train due to the amount of baggage. Big mistake.
Came back to Shogun yesterday afternoon and rear window smashed, took a couple of bags.
So questions are if anyone know the answers off top off their head (Obvs going to check policies anyway):
1) Do I have the option to claim of either house insurance or car insurance for belongings stolen and in terms of premiums what's people opinions better to do car (Admiral - protected no claims or house insurance?)
2) Is windscreen cover only for front screen? (Guess it's just the front).
3) If I notify rear screen to car insurer does that oblige me to disclose contents stolen (if claiming on house insurance?)
4) Any other factors to consider?
Current state of play, poor old girl (god I need to get that other photo sharing account set up):
As always, thanks guys.