Without wanting to **** anyone off. Oversensitivity is an interesting thing.
The leader of a cult died. It often happens.
People have their right to respect him. I respect what he did as one of the greatest PR minds capitalism has ever seen.
But people also have the right to say "Seriously, he's not all that".
People still call Micheal Jackson a paedo since he died. Surely people can still say "Meh, I don't get Macs" now Jobs has gone.
The only possible argument can be that it's too soon. In which case state your views but no need to act like children about it. I personally don't like putting people up on pedestals, so as such don't see why today is any different to yesterday in terms of stating your opinion on the man.
Last of all. Did anyone on here know Steve personally? I doubt it. If you did then you have every right to take things more personally and I very much offer my sympathies for your loss. But assuming not: Why do you care? It's not like anyone's views one way or the other are going to impact Apple or Jobs' family?
Or is it all just because it's oh so easy to get super heated on an internet forum in a way you wouldn't in real life...
This is just my opinion, and without any specific pointed sightings at any particular individual.