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Posts posted by Mega

  1. I remember in my previous job, somebody parked with tyres over the dividing line in a moderately tight multistorey car park and a suitably angry big cheese parked their bmw within millimetres of the driver's door (couldn't stick your finger through the gap). The mirror stuck out just infront of the other car, so there was no way for the person to get out of the space (let alone get in the car other than climbing through the passenger seat.


    The big cheese then duly left work at around 7 when the offending car owner finished at 4.30, thereby having to wait almost 3 hours to be able to leave work. Half the office took their time to go and take some photos, but I unfortunately don't have one. Valuable lesson taught. :)


    Heh. Nice. I'd be too scared to do that personally though: If the guy can't park then chances are he'd just drive through someone elses wing mirror. Assuming he could get in through passenger door that is.


    Very nice though. :)

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