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Everything posted by peteman35

  1. Ok will have another go when the weather cheers up Thanks guys
  2. Hahaha ok that's made me feel better
  3. No it's nice to hear someone who has had the same problem Thanks
  4. honestly i put up with it at first but now its so loud you can hear dogs howling to it Ive just took them apart again... and took some pictures. so as you can see on the last pic everytime i have took them out that little nib is shiny... and raised when you look flat against the pad. i have now grinded it as far back as i dare to see if it was hitting. Could have been a bad idea
  5. Yup I might take them back out today and take a picture.. It has to be glaze because the squeal is so low pitch
  6. Shims are on all greased. Just followed Zmanlex break in I did 200 easy miles on them before. Then did his break in. Does anyone know what pad glaze looks like? Should the pads be completely matte or have a silvery looking finish
  7. peteman35

    Brake squeal

    Hi guys I have completely run out of ideas to what this is now. I have fitted new discs and pads all round about 400miles ago. The discs were pagid pads are ebc yellow. I have had a low pitch squeal when coming to a stand still, I have copper greased everything I think would make the sound. I wouldn't mind a small squeal as the disc and pad combo but the pitch squeal it makes can be heard from the other side of the village. I have done Zmanlex break in and it got worse. I am really stumped on this and have run out of ideas short of taking it to the garage. Any ideas?
  8. I read if you look in the brake res there is a plug going into the cabin that goes into the traction control unit. told to pull that out then the abs and everything is disabled. I THINK
  9. Wow that camera is really sharp, the best one I've seen
  10. Uzi? just a air rifle and a good shot does the trick
  11. I destroyed the population of pigeons in my area when they bombed my freshly waxed car. I wont say how many i got but i now wonder why there is 4 foxes around my house all the time
  12. I think the only problem would be getting the car high enough, how tall roughly is a zed gearbox?
  13. I was in a mates black mx5
  14. Their were a load of Zeds!
  15. Saw you at good wood, car looked epic as usual. Made me want to go mod crazy on the zed
  16. Turbo socket? I had a internal wheel nut that stripped on my mx5 the turbo socket took it straight off. But looks like its been bashed to much .
  17. I went to Cuba for 2 weeks for a wedding. Amazing place easily the best holiday I have had we went to one of the big resorts out there which was all inclusive food and drinks all day chilling out by the sea which was 5 foot steps away. The people out there are so friendly, we also did a catmeran out to a small island which allowed you to snorckle that was also amazing the fish you see out there is nothing like you see anywhere else. Well worth doing! If you want any other info on where we went give me a pm
  18. I should be getting my scorpion fitted next week. If you want a listen give me a pm
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