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Everything posted by peteman35

  1. I have he bc racing coil overs. They are brilliant. The previous car I had I had the miesters the difference in quality to the 2 is crazy. I found that the bc racing locking collars were alot Beefyer, the 32 settings of adjustment on them was completely different to the miesters. You set them a little harder and they would break your back. Little softer and they would be like a bus. The bc racing actually had full adjustment experiencing under steer turn them down a bit and cured! You can really play about with them To get a perfect set up for your needs Trying to be un biased as possible but I have tryed a few different coil overs. I took a gamble with the bc racing that really payed off. Wish I had put them on all my cars. I got mine from cougar store. (Mick) he gave me a extremely competitive price and the service is the best I have experienced
  2. peteman35

    370z wheels

    Yeah he pmed about them. But they were gone by the time he had looked at my pm
  3. peteman35

    370z wheels

    Hi guys after a set of 370z wheels. Give me a message if you have any you would like to get rid of Thanks Peter
  4. Be a lose earth somewhere. If they flash fast it means there's a fault in one of them. So you just got to check and clean all the earth points.
  5. (cougar store) he will sort you out a new Y pipe
  6. Bc racing coilovers are the way to go. They are gold and shiny Got mine from Cougar stores (Mick)
  7. The better way to do it. Is whip the rear wheels off. You will see a black grommet. If you spin the wheel around shining a light through the hole. You should see a spikey wheel (can't think how to describe it) when you see it get your self a bladed screw drive now you have to spin the wheel downwards. Just put the screw driver on the knotches and turn. Count the clicks do the same the other side. If you did the 8mm nut right up undo It half way so you have adjustment at the hand break still
  8. Do you mean a knocking? Judders more shaking and vibrating at low speeds that sounds odd
  9. Drop link should be able to be removed when the Car is on the ground resulting in no preload. If you are lowered and set the links to the original links then that's why they are clicking/knocking Just gotta put your arm up under the bumper and undo them till there's no load
  10. There's a black 370z that is always in the industrial estate on the left hand side past coomers
  11. Spotted a wheel as I drove past shell. Turned around because I thought it was a 370. Looked awesome
  12. New website that beats most tyre prices. http://lovetyres.com/tyre/Vredestein-Ultrac-Sessanta/245-40-18
  13. Being truthful you are wasting your time. No way will anyone touch you being 18. I waited till I was 20 the insurance was alot more Affordable and I had built my self up to a 350z. I'm with elefant at the moment And I'm paying £912. Wait a couple of years
  14. Drove one of these awesome cars. Wait until you get bump steer... you will need new pants
  15. Yes that's standard y pipe. It's a awesome bit of kit. Message cougar stores and he will sort you out
  16. Well the clunking is probably drop links. For the uneven ride height do you mean the car doesn't sit straight or the wheels are further up into the arch? Check all the tyre profiles are the same.
  17. The scorpion CS supplied me was brillaint. It's nice and quiet when you want it to be when you open it up it sounds awesome. Just to add now it's been on for a while it sounds even better than that. No cabin drone at all
  18. I'm 20 3 years no claims. £900 Both my parents are on the policy. It's parked in a residential area. I'm with elefant give them a try
  19. easiest/cheapest fix is to turn off traction control? I can honestly say i never drive with it on, it interferes to much
  20. Sorry edit Whip one back on off look on the hub it will say the size
  21. peteman35


    I miss a black car that looks freaking awesome
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