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Everything posted by peteman35

  1. Jublee clip around the hanger will pull it up to where you want it. Easyer than trying to bend hangers etc
  2. Hampshire is a pretty big place. Where are you close to
  3. There was a post someone where someone had teraclean done on their 350z. Dyno'rd before and after it gained about 7bhp at the fly.
  4. It took me hours to get mine right. Make sure the box is square to the bumper before you start with the pipes. Mines still not spot on yet
  5. Just replace them. There's really no need to upgrade exhaust hangers
  6. Why not just drive the car. Spend money on putting petrol in it and just go for good drives. Modding is addicting but so is driving.
  7. The tread looks outside the arch by about 2 inches?!
  8. I think the whole point of making them work for their benefits is to make them actually find a job that pays minimum wage or more. If you're doing a 30 hour week and earning £76 a week or what ever it is, you are going to want to find a job. I know of loads of people that are just dossing around on job seakers and make no effort on interviews to get the job. Their are jobs everywhere but people just don't want them.
  9. You should have found out where they lived and started to send bits of the bike back. asking for your dust caps back.
  10. Would you take a 20 year old kidney for it all? GLWS
  11. As far as i know when the light comes on it will stay on till you reset it WITH the resistor. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=g5UQIF3Euu0#t=18
  12. Just to update this. Squeak has gone for good Will update first post
  13. Cat heat shields mine did it ripped one off it stopped. Now the other has started so that one will be beaten to death as well. Simple job just takes patience
  14. Do you live in bordon by any chance? Drove past a smoothed 350 couple of days ago. Both waved think I reconize the houses in the back ground GLWS
  15. Yeah you need to put a bit of copper grease on the part of the disc that sits up against the hub. Also a bit around the hole the hub goes through
  16. I use a tyre sponge I got from a different tyre gel I bought. Lasted 3 years and it's still not fallen apart. I4detailing.co.uk sell them.
  17. Megs tyre gel as well Tryed loads of them none of them last as long and look as good
  18. No to cream looks awesome as it is I have not been pulled over once and i look about 13 years old.
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