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John tarantula

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Everything posted by John tarantula

  1. well.... guess most others are asleep now! better get some ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz myself as getting up again in a few hours! See you all soon
  2. will keep an eye out! I'll be talking to anyone near a 350Z so be warned!
  3. Anyone planning to watch this? i loved Borat, Bruno, not so much. Been reading that the Dictator is totally scripted / acted and no 'real' jokes played so not sure it will be the same? Guess Sacha Baren Cohen is too well known now to get away with it! Will go and watch anyway and expect it will be offensive and funny none the less!
  4. ignore me, beaten to it by post above!
  5. yeah no 7.30 though I guess it depends how long it takes to get into the place ie if you arrive at 8.30 are you gonna outside queing til 9.30 anyway? I guess we'll see on arrival! I'll aim for around 8/8.30 and see what happens
  6. OK, heard back from the organsiers and they said: "Club entry is from 6am, and cars must be in place by the time the show opens at 9am." so looks like an early tired day for me then! Guess you could arrive later but no guarentee of being allowed to park with the club.... Need to decide if parking with you lot is worth getting up at 5am after going out the night before!
  7. I prefer the look of the square though mines an import with UK bumpers! maybe a square for the front?
  8. Unless you are on a stand arranged by the show organisers (power & style or ultimate car collection etc.) it doesn't really matter, we turned up about 11 one year lol the only limit is the public can't get in too early but those with club stand passes can turn up whenever they like (that's what its been the last few years anyway) I'm not on track now so really don't want to be getting up at 5 if I can help it! Will try and get through on the phone tommorow and confirm we can arrive later and park on the clubstand. Will post up results!
  9. It did look pretty pimp but was just too thirsty!
  10. shamelessly stolen from my intro thread months ago but here some of my more interesting ones. First car was an estate peugeot 3something? hideous and slow but Ok for first car! then after some old golfs, audi's, vauxhalls nad other cheap old bangers finally got into Jap cars and then modifying them! the one that started the modified car bug: old banger 200sx S13. I learnt lots about modding with this one! cheap and cheerful: After a while I got a loan and px'd it for this S14a: not very modified but nice low miler. Got bored of it (again) so sold it to a guy at Apex in Bradford and it's now got a V8 in it! With the sales money I paid the loan off and got a 1.6 MX5.... got bored of no power very quick so got another S13 (no pics). Six months later sold that and got an S14 that had a GT2871 strapped to it and 400bhp!!: thing went like something off a shovel but TOO fast for everyday use. Had nothing then when turbo spooled up it took off somewhere! After that I got an Aristo - big and pimp with a lovely engine (2JZ GTE, straight 6 twin turbo) but stupid costs to run - 14mpg and most parts are import or same as a Supra so very expensive. This had to be sold as I didn't own shares in an oil rich state so then I went back into an MX5, this time it had to be more poweful so a turbo one became mine! I bought it nearly 'finished' but have had the mapping done properly and added some wheels and a cage etc. Then sold this and got the Zed, no major mods yet as like it as it is! Also got a 1.2 Corsa to drive when i need more than two seats or need to move band stuff around. Need some pics of the Zed as well thinking about it!
  11. Don't the JapFest organisers have all the club stands parked up and ready before 9am before the gates open to the public? hhhmmm thanks for heads up, looks like I'll be up early anyway then!
  12. btw are the midges really that bad as that would put me off as well. Every time i go to countries with mosquitos i seem to be an open invitation for a free blood feast and attract them like flies to er....you know! will look at hoon dates.
  13. bloody hell, looks amazing! really do need to get up there but always a bit put off that it might be raining the whole time. might need to take the chance after seeing these!
  14. I got the same and then the actual tickets and club stand pass separetely
  15. Tickets and track pass turned up today - thanks Martin for all your hard work with this! I can't face getting up at 4am so will sell my track pass to Buster and come along a bit later. Hoepfully there's a parking space left with everyone! Will come prepared for rain and mud!
  16. got mine for just over £5.5K 6 months ago, spent maybe another £1K on brakes and tyres and servicing but all up to date now. 2003 Import / 65K miles but full UK GT spec. Don't see why imports are less valued with these if they have the same spec as UK but never mind! doubt you'd get the Nismo kit etc for that price but is a buyers market so worth holding out a bit if you're not desperate!
  17. mines an import with cruise control and heated seats so can be done! Not sure how though as EVERYTHING has been swapped on mine to UK GT spec so guessing it was done by dealer when brought into country as is one of the early ones when they're weren't enough over here to sell..
  18. I jammed a jack handle between two of the studs and then when it turns it hits the floor and then stays put hope that makes sense! think the nuts on mine where 21mm on the front and 24??? on the back. Not sure what that is in inches! and a breaker bar is useful!
  19. not sure mine will get a wash before the show but never mind!
  20. Depends on condition? £100-£150 on here and probably more on eBay or something or if you're willing to hold out? They're not too bad with the bungs in but loud with them out!
  21. I've done something similar as on our street there is 14, 14a and 14b all with 4 or 5 different flats at each one so poor old postie gets confused. Added a name to our address, put a sign outside and then add the name to any addresses I give.
  22. plane just right of this street near my house as well: Durnford St, London, Greater London N15 5NQ http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=durnford+st+n15&hl=en&ll=51.58088,-0.07522&spn=0.00169,0.004672&sll=51.580697,-0.074598&sspn=0.00338,0.009345&t=h&hnear=Durnford+St,+London+N15+5NQ,+United+Kingdom&z=18
  23. Yep me too! for the rest of the day after. I'm out for dinner and drinks (and a tattoo before) the night before so will try and escape early!
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