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John tarantula

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Everything posted by John tarantula

  1. Has my S14 repaired through insurance by a place near Barking that did a good job?
  2. Welcome! I don't live far away just north of Hackney. There's a London meet at the Ace Cafe on the 12th November so come along and say hello! (viewtopic.php?f=92&t=54478)
  3. I reset my ECU last week by disconnecting the battery (and did lose my radio presets!) no pumping of brakes though, the peddle dance didn't seem to work for me!
  4. yeah I think they're the roller bearing version of the GT28 which are standard S14 turbos, so spool up a bit quicker and harder. A cheap upgrade i guess! might as well just stick a nice big one on there though! GT2871 FTW!
  5. I used to do medieval sword fighting (HEMA) that was lots of fun! Stopped though as not enough time Now just play in a extreme metal band which is enough to keep me busy!
  6. +1 when I had S14's and S13's they were the next step up and wanted one. Don't like the look much now though. Bascially the same engine as the S14 with a slightly better turbo so apart from the looks not much reason to pay loads more for one than a nice S14?
  7. plenty of cheaper petrol in london, more competition!
  8. the figures might just be autofilled by Autotrader but not sure as never advertised on there? hopefully you saved someone wasting their time going to see it?
  9. Never really got into GTA 4 then my copy stopped working... loved SA and VC though! Hope this ones good
  10. I got some from Demon Tweeks website or look on ebay.
  11. Veilside kits have always been too OTT for my taste! and £14K? think it might be for sale for a long time!
  12. my cars not hibernating this winter. Again, in london there was only maybe a week last year that was impossible to drive a heavy RWD car. No point in London and as lovely as my car is it's not exactly showroom condition worth tens of thousands of pounds that will be wiped off if it stays out and used over winter
  13. Unchartered 3 looking forward to it! Will check out BF3 as well I think! Bored if the COD games
  14. Hello! got a few stone chips I want to touch in, had a look in HellFrauds and nothing there close to Nissan GM (unless that particular branch didn't have them). Can I get them direct from Nissan or any other suggestions? Michael
  15. hope he goes to trial and we get mroe evidence than Bin Laden!
  16. thought I'd ressurect this thread instead of starting a new one got my first tat when 17 and young and stupid and have slowly got better ones as times gone on. Had a break for ten years but getting a full sleeve now. 2 sittings so far, one more booked in december and then need to book a few more, each one 3 hours or so. Bottom half almost done, black and white (the red is my sore skin!) Hell down the bottom and will be God and heaven at the top!
  17. window tinting should be around £150 (well is in london anyway!) I'm trying to resist modding my Zed as it's the first car I've had that feels great as standard! we'll see......
  18. Had mine for a just over a month now I think and was worried I'd miss a turbo.... (last 6 cars where tuned up turbos) and haven't so far surprisingly! enough torque from all gears for me and enough speed that feels safe to lose my license if I want!
  19. ...well had th splastic off all around that area and no loose or dangling wires / sockets?? has any kind soul got any pics of that area, mroe specifically where the wires from the back of their OBD socket go to incase that helps?
  20. used my heated seats for the first time last night very nice! need to read the manual to work out which switch position does what!
  21. sorry mate, hectic couple of weeks coming up for me, can't do those two but can do later Sat night?
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