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John tarantula

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Everything posted by John tarantula

  1. aahhh can imagine! couple of people here still typing and moving around
  2. yep I've had this as well after changing oil and spilling it over the bay. Will burn off soon!
  3. Way! I spent some time in Sheung Shui as my friend has a family house there. Welcome to the forum!
  4. haven't noticed anyone but mines a 52 plate so might have been someone else! mines GM I think though the VIN plate disagrees (says Blade silver)! haha will wait for Ace Cafe meet and compare colours!
  5. give one of the forum insurers a ring! i tried confused and compare and direct line etc and all online quotes from them were well over £1K. In the end got in with Sky for £800ish. At least worth a phone call!
  6. might not be much use but my boss was offered this and she worked out in the end that it was better for her in the long run if she bought the panels herself. Not sure how she worked it out though or any more details than that I'm afraid! Do the sums on buying them outright yourself and see if it is
  7. link is working for me http://www.ledlenser.com/category/flashlights that one doesn't work either! both go to randon German 404 pages... anyway never mind!
  8. link not working... got a LED Lenser as a wedding gift a few years ago now and they are excellent torches!
  9. changed mine without taking the wheel off as above 'full lock method'. A pair of long nosed pliers came in very handy though!!
  10. he was jealous! which part of east London was it out of interest?
  11. here's our drummers other band: we play in a simliar vein though we're not quite as extreme!!!
  12. interesting watch! felt most sorry for the poor bloke whose house backed onto the site. Hope they don't retaliate against him! any most annoyed with the treehugger protesters who had nothing to do with it! go and protest about something worthwhile that has something to do with you!!!!
  13. cool, hope you can. I'm not that far so give me a shout if youve got any questions!
  14. Just watched this on demand - excellent program! the world is truly a wonderful place
  15. Out in Camden so time to search for an open shop!
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