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Everything posted by brillomaster

  1. 2.5 degrees is an expensive tyre habit! Especially on 19s!
  2. hmmm its a tricky one... i know what you mean re. cheap track cars... although even though ours is cheap its by no means disposable... we need it to drive home again, and its still £250 i have invested in the car! i suspect the bigger problem is the driver... i've seen full race cars trying to out brake other drivers on track, and i would never take my car on a track session at japfest for example... far too many drivers who've never actually done any track driving, with only 20 minutes to prove their worth to their mates.
  3. definitely a tricky corner - in a lot of cars it can be taken at full throttle, but theres a bit of tarmac change on the apex and its a bit off camber on the exit, on a wet day saw loads of people go off there (including Will). Driver definitely got unlucky, slightly different speed or angle and it probably wouldnt have rolled. Not sure about insurance - but agree with Dan, our beemer is a £400 snotter for a reason! much as i'd love to take my zed on track, i wouldnt do it without insurance.
  4. Me and a friend from work went on a track last Monday up at Bedford Autodrome... all going well until about 11am, when the track was red flagged because of this (30 seconds in) Sobering reminder that even at a 'safe' track, accidents can and do happen to anyone, and a car can end up on its roof. Also lucky that the Nova driver hadn't gone 3 seconds earlier. I won't get into the specifics of how the slide started, or if it could have been corrected, as a lot of trackday drivers are relative novices and its easy to overcook it through a corner (and this is in the dry). Also 90% of the time this sort of slide would have ended on the grass without incident, but in this case the speed and angle of the car meant it made it all the way to the gravel track and rolled. All i can say is that if you are thinking of taking a car out on track, be aware that it can all end very badly. If you aren't prepared to take that risk, don't go on track. If you cant afford to replace your car, get trackday insurance. Both driver and passenger walked away from this accident, but their car was looking somewhat worse for wear - B pillar had stayed intact, but windscreen and roof ahead of b pillar had been flattened.
  5. yep, driving the dream! saw it on top gear a few years back and really liked it. so happy to be driving one now, other more premium brands like porsches and bmws never really did it for me, but love jap cars.
  6. on the roadcar, no. on the track car, heck yes, plaster it in whatever you want, £200 pays for a trackday every month. Also, advertising, because racecar
  7. Best mod for me... fitting a cassette adapter so I can play my music in the car! best £3 spent on car so far!
  8. Wow this is proper Grade A Zeditis - you've got the fever! Car is looking great by the way, engine bay does it for me!
  9. accelerator pedal footrest? I must say, not one of my last 7 cars have had that - in fact, I've never seen an accelerator pedal footrest in any car!
  10. any chance of extending this to the dc sports exhaust if funkypower can get hold of them? been looking for a supplier for it!
  11. Fastest at going backwards! Gunmetal FTW!!!1!! ... actually given the choice again I wish i'd have gone for Azure Blue... Gunmetal is a bit of a nothing colour really, not quite dark enough to be cool. I call it 'drizzle grey' for how well it blends in when its raining.
  12. initial D live action is awesome! but make sure you get it with the original soundtrack, not the crappy American tunes!
  13. cheapish decent tyres, have a look at Hankook Ventus V12s - very nearly on a par with bridgestone, goodyear, dunlops and so on, just a little bit cheaper. as for kumhos or avons, a friend of mine ran avons on his mini cooper s, and that stuck like glue round corners so i'd have to recommend avons!
  14. Welcome along! If you're anywhere near Leicester get yourself along to the CS meet in mid June, look for details in his post.
  15. psssh, admiral only charged me £19 to put a cobra on mine, you paid too much!
  16. nothing out the ordinary there, just a bit unfortunate they've all hit at the same time! if you want to do it on the cheap you'd get by with £400 for tyres, secondhand standard exhaust off ebay for £100, and do the service yourself. but once its all done, you should be good for at least a little while, although sounds like you might be around the new brake discs time as well if they haven't been done already!
  17. my advice would be stick with brands that are known for making just cameras and imaging devices, rather than big electronics brands... so Canon, Nikon, Kodak and so on. My GF bought a Kodak a while back and its still shooting awesome photos, way better than the camera on my 1 year old Sony Xperia smartphone. Its all about getting light into the camera, a smartphone just cant cut it cost its got such a tiny lens, you'll have no chance in anything other than perfect light.
  18. +1 for Admiral, by far and away the cheapest when I was getting into high performance motoring in my early twenties.
  19. Might it be worth opening this up to the 300zx club as well to make up the numbers?
  20. Mine was a 1.4litre Pug 306... only had it for 6 months before I decided I really needed more power! eventually sold it to my brother for £700 I think, a few weeks before the water pump went and I believe the car was scrapped. First rwd car was a mk2 MX5 - few months after getting I thought i'd do some mad drifting exiting a roundabout... didn't have a clue what I was doing, back came round and mounted the verge backwards. no real damage other than knackered wheels and my pride, but did scare me straight about rwd cars and doing skids - immediately after that got some autosolo practice, and now I only go sideways on trackdays
  21. Well why didn't you say so then! Been to Scotland with my dad for a week long road trip, but that's in the UK, and on our own, whereas your pic shows a European mountain pass with some mates, does mine count?!?
  22. not specifically about the car details as far as im aware... I have posted images of the beemer before, but was a while back, got more action shots now!
  23. does it have to be competitive motorsport? if not, i'll post some pics of our trackday beemer later
  24. strange question... I drive mine to work every other week, 20 miles each way. Also drive over to my dads on the welsh borders and then on into wales when we go walking. Also weekends away with the fiancé we'll take the zed as its by far the better GT car!
  25. I think all booking Bedford on August 23rd is the best idea... nice central track, good for beginners and experienced drivers alike. We can reserve a few garages and make a proper day of it. We'll be hard pressed to get the numbers for an exclusive trackday, but if there are 10 of us say it'll still be pretty awesome.
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