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Everything posted by brillomaster

  1. well the views on marriage have completely changed in the last few decades... years ago it used to be get married, then move in together, then have kids. now its move in together, have kids, then maybe get married. certainly not what it was. also in days of yore the man used to work, and the wife would stay at home tending to the kids - that's all changed as well, men and women earn equal amounts, so split things 50/50. theres also a lot more disposable income around since both partners are earning money. Women work just as hard as men, so why shouldn't a couple have separate accounts for the men to spend their hard earned cash on cars, and women can spend their hard earned cash on shoes.
  2. I think £1 a litre is a bit optimistic - we might get down to £1.15, but will see! would be awesome if it does happen though, can go back to going for drives just for the hell of it.
  3. well we're about to get married, and are just about to get a joint account... my fiancé wants to split share everything, but im not so sure... I am keen to have a joint account for all the shared expenses only (food, holidays, mortgage and bills) but definitely want my own money, as I want to be able to buy things I want without asking permission. also my hobbies (petrol for zed, insurance for zed, trackdays) are a lot more expensive than hers so I don't feel it fair that she pays towards my hobbies, and I shouldn't pay towards hers. I figure as long as I can pay for food and bills and a decent holiday and have some reserve for if the boiler breaks or whatever, the rest is mine to do with what I please - after all, I earnt it, so I can spend it, and that wont change when we're married!
  4. what car does she drive? i'm guessing its terrible. its not surprising she likes the zed, they're lovely cars. but lovely cars cost money - tell her if she wants one, she has to save up and buy one! or maybe tell her fine, she can have the car, but that's her christmasses and birthdays covered for the next 10 years.
  5. if you're just looking to remove throttle restrictions on the lower gears have you considered a D1 spec throttle controller? Im in the same boat as Coldel, in that the cost of filter, plenum spacer, HFCs, Y pipe and exhaust, plus the cost of the uprev itself is a bit much to gain maybe 15hp, which I wouldn't notice anyway. what I would notice is the increased throttle response, but that can be had for a lot less cash.
  6. wow just been looking at the government figures for petrol prices here: https://www.gov.uk/government/statistical-data-sets/oil-and-petroleum-products-weekly-statistics average price for unleaded on 27/10/2014 was 125.11 - the last time it was that low was 03/01/2011, when it was 124.85. So this is comfortably the lowest price petrol has been for the last 4 years!
  7. Nicely recovered! The MR2 looks pretty sorted round there, even in the damp. Best drifty-drift moment I managed was only a quarter turn of oppo coming out of redgate - clearly not trying hard enough!
  8. Anyone else noticed how much petrol has come down recently? Price for sainsburys unleaded (yes I know...) near me the other day was 1.229 which I thought was low, but morrisons have just trumped that with 1.209... Its been a long long time since petrol last dipped below 1.20 but it might well get there if this downward trend continues! Going to have to go for a nice long hoon to celebrate methinks
  9. I have to say, even though any loss of jobs anywhere and a reduction in the british motor racing industry is a bad thing, I feel no disappointment about caterham and marussia not being in the next few grand prix. any team that fails to score a single constructors point in a championship should perhaps consider a lower class of racing? I mean, if you're not at the sharp end of the competition, whats the point you even being there?
  10. have a look at rimtuck.com then search for 350zs with the size wheels you're thinking off, should give you a good idea of offsets.
  11. yeah that would be fine, as long as its not door to door racing! I think im pretty savvy with regards to other cars on circuit, haven't had a problem at any trackdays. would be interesting to know what class a BMW would be in... basically keeping it track spec, ie standard engine and brakes, but as light as possible, decent brakepads and fluid, suspension mods and decent tyres. think the biggest factor for me is the prohibitive cost of fitting a cage... although it does say for clubman classes that cages are recommended, but not compulsory. anyone know how much it is to enter a single round?
  12. I would be interesting in trying time attack... been on quite a few trackdays now but would like to know how I faired against other drivers in similar cars - but don't fancy a full on race as I cant afford to replace body panels!
  13. i have to say, a 245/40 tyre is actually 1% smaller in diameter than a 225/45 tyre, so i think those sizes would maintain correct difference so as to not mess with the traction control... but there would be handling differences running a square setup on a car designed to run staggered widths.
  14. top man maths going on there! hope it works out for you!
  15. Psssh my dear boy, I do believe Warwick Uni is by far and away better than the scallys at Cov Uni! :p That said, all the students at Warwick uni nowadays are from the far east, since they're the only ones who can afford the tuition fees
  16. haha in my second year at Warwick uni, I had the choice of either living in Coventry, or living in Leamington Spa - wasn't a hard decision!
  17. awwwww smiles per mile so for me that's: think about driving zed SMILE walk up to zed SMILE start zed up BIG SMILE pull out onto road SMILE that's 4 smiles in the space of about 50 yards! and then once on the move, theres: accelerate out of 30 limit into 50 limit SMILE pull out from side road onto an A road - gratuitous acceleration from 10mph to 60mph up a hill BIG SMILE accelerate down the slip road to join motorway SMILE that's another 3 in as many miles!
  18. hahah brilliant! and yes the Coventry ring road does have a long and illustrious racing history - has been used for years by the local youth to see who could complete a lap in under 2 minutes. they could incorporate a destruction derby style section using the many excellent combined entry/exit ramps
  19. crikey, a V12! top barging... although that's more of a cruise ship!
  20. don't forget, even though the zed uses a bit more fuel, it is a far more special place to sit than a diesel repmobile, and it does make a lovely noise, and when you need the torque, its there ready at low rpm. In fact im seriously considering binning my car share scheme just so I can drive my zed more, rather than get lifts in a mates mini cooper. sure it'll cost me £90 more a month in petrol but it will mean I spend an extra 8 hours a month behind the wheel!
  21. 28 mpg - 40 miles commuting each day on the motorway, cruise controlled indicated 76-77mph.
  22. this clutch switch cleaning and adjusting article says the cruise control is on a different switch - also the cruise deactivates when you slightly depress the clutch - whereas the engine will only start when you fully depress the clutch, which suggests different switches. http://my350z.com/fo...and-adjust.html
  23. also it never ceases to amaze me how many people have the seat so far back that they are unable to fully depress the clutch pedal! if that's you, put the seat forward an inch!
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