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Everything posted by brillomaster

  1. you might, and that's *might* be able to blag a 370z if you can convince the salespeople that you're seriously considering buying one, and they have a demonstrator... but if not it'll probably be a juke is my guess.
  2. yep, cant say 2nd to 5th is something i've ever done - you know its just push stick up out of 2nd, let it self centre, push stick up into 3rd? theres no need to actually move the stick to the right, otherwise you'll miss third and shift into fifth instead
  3. who is He? what makes him think that a full alignment would be a good idea, are you getting any uneven tyre wear? most places check alignment for free and then charge if they need to change anything - has the garage already decided the alignment is out?
  4. Bit late in the year I know, but I never let anything get in the way of my track fixes! Me, Ken, and the Dark Knight are booked in at Oulton Park, Saturday 6th December with Javelin Trackdays. Currently just £119 for the day. If anyone fancies joining us that'd be great, look out for this thing silently gliding round the track! https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10100673378326844&l=842cd45f71
  5. looks like a pretty sweet day, perfect weather for a potter!
  6. think that's humiliating... once a couple of winters back when there was actually snow, I made the mistake of trying to reverse out of my parking space at home, then drive to work. The reversing went ok, then when it came to trying to move forward again, the zed was having none of it - thus leaving me stranded in the middle of the car park, blocking my gfs car in and unable to go any direction except backwards. ended up reversing further and parking on the snow covered grass, which was a mistake... no matter what I tried, it would not be moved! tried a really slow release of clutch in third gear with no throttle, still span the wheels, tried dropping the pressures to 10psi, nothing, putting old carpets under the wheels, still nothing, even with three people pushing! In the end I had to sheepishly ask my gf for a tow from her 1.1 litre Peugeot 206 - she was convinced her tiny city car wouldn't have a chance of pulling out my zed, but nope, her little car that could pulled me out no problem. The trenches I dug with my rear wheels are still there two years later.
  7. I hope that doesn't happen - 10 wins against 4, and Hamilton is only leading by a measly 4 points?!?!? what would be better is if drivers have their 3 worst finishes of the season removed, that way a few mechanical problems causing a non finish wouldn't matter, but at the moment if lewis gets unlucky and has a mechanical in abu dhabi, he'll lose the championship. consistency conshmistency, winning a race is whats important - I think its a little tedious when driver whos leading the championship through consistency plays it safe in the final few races knowing he just has to finish in the points.
  8. well, my hair when long is just like a brillo pad (cleaned a plate with it once back at uni - not a brilliant idea ) and when i was younger i used to be a bit of a cocky academic genius, hence master. grown up a bit and realised im not quite so special as i thought i was, but the nickname stuck.
  9. hmmm, I feel appropriate punishment would be for all the local small children, and all the local kittens, to line up and take turns kicking you in the plumbs and clawing at your face. You're a truly horrible, despicable, horrible, vile, nasty horrible human being for doing 35mph 20yards before it is acceptable to do 60mph. just do the SA course - I did one recently and actually quite enjoyed it.
  10. think of it as a selling point - '70k zed, still on original clutch' - ie testament to how mechanically sympathetically it has been driven during its life... the alternative is '70k zed, already on third clutch' would make me wonder how the rest of the car has faired if its already been through two clutches!
  11. nah I think there should be more emphasis on winning... if you award 20 points for a win and 19 points for second, then a driver could win 18 of the 20 races, have two non finishes and the second place guy would win the championship. Hamilton should have it sown up by now, 10 wins in a 20 race season is dominant enough that he should have one the title by now. How many races did Vettel win last year?
  12. ah balls. I really hope Hamilton wins the championship, i'm going to be seriously dishearted if Rosberg wins after clearly being second best all season.
  13. also, whereabouts in leam are you?!? seen a few zeds around but don't recognise your plate!
  14. in your situation i'd say uprev... as you already have all the expensive supporting mods in place to get the most out of it. however someone in my position - ie no plenum spacer or HFCs, i'd try a throttle controller first.
  15. how many miles has it done? don't replace the clutch if it doesn't need doing - most people know that a clutch can go anywhere from 40k to 100k, depends hows its been driven. you could sell the car thinking the clutch is on its way out and the new buyer gets two years use before it actually goes. if it drives fine now, then leave it. if it actually starts slipping, then replace it.
  16. great race I thought - well, the highlights were good. lots of wheel to wheel action, overtaking left right and centre, some good scraps all the way through the field. didn't miss caterham or marussia for a second. would be nice now if Nico had a mechanical issue at Brazil that stopped him from finishing - and hopefully gifting Hamilton the title before this double points nonsense in abu dhabi. It would be a travesty if lewis didn't win the championship now - 10 wins to nico's 4 should be clear cut with only 2 races to go.
  17. Woah that's certainly a BGW! Quite a few people on here drift zeds, sure they'll be along with advice soon.
  18. first mod is always a stubby. Honda Rdx aerial from a few traders on here. Once that's done, its up to you?!? probably best by deciding what you want in a car - do you want it to go faster, handle better, sit lower to the ground, but more comfortable to cruise in or what? also how much money have you got to spend?
  19. Wow that's a flat torque curve - 90% of max torque available from 2300rpm - 6200rpm, would certainly make for a driveable car! good healthy numbers there, you must be chuffed!
  20. A milltek for £550 is a bargain, that's a good £350 off retail. at that price you could buy it and try it, and if you don't like it take if off and sell it for no loss. as said, a milltek is at the quieter end of the spectrum along with a scorpion, with cobra and invidia Gemini in the middle, working your way up to a buddyclub and the infamous K1. so depends what kind of noise you want. I've got a cobra resonated on mine and its awesome, decent growl at WOT and lovely pops and burbles at tickover when warm.
  21. Keep us all posted on the trackdays, we might we convoy over to them with you in the beemer
  22. its Thursday now... do you have it yet? do you have it yet? do you have it yet?!? We need pics!
  23. you're advised to switch when the temperature at the time at which you'll be driving the car drops below 7 degrees. so even if it gets up to 12 degrees at midday, if its only 5 degrees when you leave for work in the morning, you're better off with winters. used properly i'd think winters would go on mid november and not come off again until mid march - so regardless of actual snow - remember they're winter tyres, not snow tyres.
  24. true, duty on fuel has been 57.5p a litre for the last 3 years! at least its not going up...
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