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Everything posted by brillomaster

  1. its a good point, obviously Nissan selected gear ratios based on a number of things, but don't forget, the zed is a relatively heavy car, with a very flat torque curve, which is why it can push longer gears effectively. yes around town mpg should be the same as you can drive in 4th when you would previously be in third, but as it is 70mph in 6th is exactly 2,500rpm, so I imagine that figure will go up to 3,000rpm at 70. on a flat out acceleration run, you'd also have to consider the time spent changing gears - your 0-60 time will be dented if you need to change up to 3rd just before you hit 60, similarly 0-100 will suffer if you need to change to 5th say just before you reach that speed. it would be a negligible amount with a decent DSG gearbox, but on a zed you're changing gears the old fashioned way. have you already done other mods to help with acceleration? a lightened flywheel and a throttle controller/uprev would both help a lot. if you're messing with final drives, you could also mess with wheel sizes - keep the 18s, but drop to a 40 profile all round which will have the effect of shortening (or lengthening - I can never remember which way round it is) the final drive.
  2. I commute 50 miles a day in mine also, computer tells me I average 27mpg over mostly motorway driving, with some town and B roads also - it also gets used at weekends and sees some spirited driving. I'll see 300 miles to a tank on a good week and that's from full until empty. It costs me approximately £65 to fill up with 99 at tesco. thats still got at least a quarter of a tank in... 27mpg will easily do 400 miles, its an 80 litre tank!
  3. am i think only one who thinks this might be a bad idea? wife is attached to her nice sensible golf, and given the choice would sway towards a nice big rangey... so you're going to buy her a two seater sports car?!? i appreciate its a surprise xmas present and thats great, but you'll have to explain your logic as to why you arrived at a 350z...
  4. I don't see how multi formats would be bad thing, I mean, LMP1 has only got what, 5 teams competing, three of which are manufacturers, and then there is LMP2 which have slightly slower cars and more customer cars. they share the track just fine - might make the races more interesting as the faster factory F1 cars would have to battle through a lot more traffic. I mean imagine that, 10 F1 cars and 20 Super GP2 cars sharing a race track, 2hr endurance race, with both tyres and refuelling happening during pitstops. or would that be too similar to the WEC? problem is surely that you have customer teams trying to compete with the massive budgets of outright manufacturers, its just not going to work on a level playing field, so yeah, two classes and championships (either constructor F1 and cheaper, slower customer F1, or F1 and cheaper, slower super GP2 (F2?)
  5. crikey, you can polish off an entire man vs burrito? I normally share that with my fiancé, and then her dad chips in and finishes what we can't... I put it to you good sir, how are you not ginormous already?!? p.s. double donut burger looks awesome!
  6. anything other than standard lettering sizes with standard lettering spacing on a UK is illegal. That said, I ran a tiny plate (about half the size of a normal plate) on my old 300zx, and looked awesome. I was never pulled over for it. The plod would have to be in a particularly foul mood to pull you over just for the plate, especially if its got the right font type (obviously no silly italics poncy brushstroke lettering), more likely he'll stop you for your driving styles first, and then while hes got you by the side of the road, examine your car for legality of number plates, tints, tread on tyres, loudness of exhaust and so on.
  7. if you can get a photo of the clocks that'll identify the engine - 276/280s had a redline of 6,600rpm, the 309/313s have a redline of 7500rpm, the 296/300 is somewhere in the middle (cant remember the exact number) also 309/313s had a bonnet bulge, and two air intakes.
  8. so, when you asked him why is he selling it after only a month, what did he say?
  9. unfortunately this isn't the best way for the seller, but then again ebay isn't a proper auction site, because it has an auction end time. In a real auction it doesn't end until only one bidder remains - the problem with ebay is that an auction will end halfway between a last minute bidding war, which is really bad for a seller trying to get the best price for something. what ebay should implement is a 'time added on' function, ie the auction time extends by 5 minutes if someone puts in a last minute bid, to give someone time to outbid. And then it keeps adding on 5 minutes until there are no more bids (essentially like an auctioneer saying 'going once.... going twice... last call.... SOLD') ...actually, that's a pretty good idea, maybe I should set that up!
  10. I use sniping services all the time, auction stealer is the one I use. works perfectly for me, I decide what my absolute maximum bid is, then auction stealer puts it in with 5 seconds to go. if I am still outbid then so be it, as the item went for more than the maximum price i'm prepared to pay. with an auction it pays massively to keep your cards close to your chest - if you put in a bid early it gives someone a chance to outbid you. the only way ebay auctions work for a buyer is to make one bid, which is your absolute maximum. even if the item is currently at £500 with 5 minutes to go, if you're prepared to pay £1000, bid £1000 - the ebay software will put in the amount needed for you to win the auction, and no more.
  11. I don't see how religion can be responsible for anything, the individuals that have used it as a weapon are responsible. oh absolutely, its always an individual person pulling the trigger that kills someone, I mean that if you asked that person why they pulled the trigger, religious beliefs would be one of their reasons. There would be no wars at all if people would stop shooting at each other!
  12. religion was certainly responsible for a lot of wars a few hundred years ago, but as religion has lost power, the reasons for wars has moved on, now its politics and economics.
  13. i'm an atheist, personally I think religion is rather outdated now and its purpose has mainly been nullified by science - genetics and evolution. that said, some religions have some good ideas (and some forms of religions have some very bad ones) but at the end of the day we should believe in people, not gods. humanitarianism is they way forward, treat other people with respect, treat others as you would have them treat you.
  14. ohh goody, we're off to Bruges in two weeks for (hopefully) some nice Christmas shopping and beer drinking hopefully the clashes will be over by then, or failing that, stay confined to Brussels!
  15. power makes you faster on the straights. Brakes make you faster into the corners. Tyres make you better on the brakes, faster through the corners, and can get on the power earlier out the corners. Adding lightness makes you faster on the straights, better on the brakes, and faster through the corners, especially on direction changes. trust me, power is nice, but decent tyres and decent brakes will make you a lot faster round a track than an extra 10hp on an already powerful car.
  16. so..... whens the first outing? if you've got a full set of wets and slicks, theres no excuse for letting bad weather stop you!
  17. the distance between point A and point B will differ with different cars and different weather conditions. In a formula 1 car point A to point B will be a lot less than a road car, but the fact still remains - when a formula 1 car originally doing 70mph would have stopped, a formula 1 car originally going 100mph, would still be travelling at 71mph.
  18. what gets me most (and was taught on speed awareness course) is how fast you're still going when a car travelling at 30mph would have stopped... say a car is travelling at 30mph, starts braking at point A and comes to a complete stop at point B. now, say that the same car is travelling at 35mph, and starts braking at point A. how fast will it still be going when it passes point B? 5mph? wrong, that car would still be travelling at 18mph when it passes point B. same again, this time the car is travelling at 40mph when it starts braking at point A, so how fast is it still going when it passes point B, (the point at which a car travelling at 30mph would have stopped)? 26mph. that means that if little johnny scooter pops out in front of a car doing 30mph, and it stops just in time, the same car travelling just 10mph faster, would hit him at a speed of 26mph. similarly, two cars on a motorway, car A travelling 70mph, car B travelling at 100mph. if both start braking at the same time, how fast is car B travelling when car A has come to a complete stop? 30mph? 40mph maybe? Wrong - car B would still be going at 71mph when car A had come to a complete stop. :scare: Knowing these facts, suddenly speeding round towns and doing silly speeds on motorways seems a bit silly - I don't want to hit Johnny scooter at all if I can help it, which is why when i'm driving past a row of parked cars in a residential area, I do about 20mph. Incidentally I was caught doing 85 on an empty motorway in the middle of the night, by an overhead gantry camera.
  19. good times, showery is fine, as long as theres not a deluge.
  20. according to this you can spin a 350z quite easily going in a straight line... must have had ditchfinders on the back http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=95e_1414876392
  21. I wimped out and got a resonated cobra, but compared to the standard exhaust its still night and day. resonated is still plenty loud enough for me, not offensive round town but lovely in enclosed spaces (tunnels, underground carparks etc) but would agree with getting the pipes cut back when fitting, as standard the tips sit about an inch too far out in my opinion.
  22. ha i do this... best is coming out of a motorway average speed camera section, and back up to glorious national speed limit! or better still, pulling away from any motorway tollbooth - standing start drag race against whoever pulls up next to you!
  23. id be interested if it was my first rwd car, like in the way I was interested (and bought) an MX5 a few years ago as my first RWD car. But I've since moved on to desiring faster more powerful things also, the price for the supercharger just seems a little steep... in terms of cost per HP gained, £4,000 to gain 60bhp is worse than spending £1000 on an uprev and supporting mods to get a measly 20hp. surely a better idea would be to swap out the standard 2 litre NA flat 4, and swap in an older 2 litre turbo flat 4 from a Subaru impreza STI - that's 280bhp straight out the box... but I appreciate this is kinda missing the point with the GT86, its not about absolute power!
  24. ...sorry, i'll get me coat...
  25. +1 on the holding button up and punching the door card, just below and in front of the switches.
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