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Everything posted by brillomaster

  1. Anyone have any photos of this? having read this, it sounds exactly like what im experiencing, but I don't want to go removing/breaking trim panels/clips without knowing exactly where i'm aiming to get to!
  2. glad you managed to get some decent running in - we go there fairly frequently in our BMW and it can be very hairy in the wet, just seem to have no traction at all out of the hairpins! yes unfortunately Bedford are fairly draconian when it comes to noise limits... if you breach the drive by, you're done for the day, no questions. What did you do the static test at? Still, at least now you know how loud your car is, you can sort the silencing before attempting another trackday - if you want to use a car on track, it needs to be under the noise limits, simples
  3. well im a bit on the fence on this one.... while he is a class A plonker and does indeed deserve a punishment, i actually think 8 months in prison is a little harsh... something like 1000 hours community service, driving ban and fine would be more applicable... jail time i normally associate with violent criminals.
  4. dont forget if you buy it back it will always be a write off, i very much doubt anyone will buy a cat D or cat C zed with 110,000 miles on it. take the cash, and buy another one. but definitely dont accept the first offer - when i wrote off my civic, first i was offered £1000, with a bit of research i got it doubled to £2000, which i then rejected again, eventually settled on £2100. see if you can provide examples of dealer cars - they'll be advertised for more so hopefully bump the settlement on yours up.
  5. yeah, sucks to be on the road for 2 hours for no track driving! still could have been worse, could have been keyser, on the road for 4 hours! still nice to sit in the new radical, even if thats as racy as we ever got! stupid fog. Ah well, three weeks till the next one, hopefully no fog next time!
  6. well that's the million dollar question... lets just say it was God who started the big bang - well where did God come from? was there a bigger God who created the God who created the Universe? Did God create more than one Universe? Yes maybe our universe has only one God, but are there an infinite number of gods creating an infinite number of other universes???!?!? Well? TELL ME!!! I need the TRUUUUTH! actually, I don't really care. all I know for certain is, in 19 minutes im going to get in my zed, drive home to my fiancé and watch Fast n Loud. Ignorance and apathy is bliss
  7. you have to go going only just over the limit to get offered the course if I remember correctly. and yeah its £100 now... the course is marginally cheaper at £85 or so.
  8. if you fancy short notice me and ken are at snetterton tomorrow with our BMW... and then have booked on to Oulton Park on the 6th December as well...
  9. don't get toe out on the front of a rwd car unless you know what you're doing! the front end will be super skittish and pointy, it wont want to go in straight line. toe out on the front is good for gymkhana/autosolo where you need a very pointy front end, or maybe a twitchy track car as Dan has. and definitely don't get toe out on the rear, unless you like going backwards into hedges repeatedly! also just wondering, what wheels and tyres have you got on the car (with particular regards to widths) and what kind driving setup do you like? personally on track we need some more front end turn in, and to reduce understeer, so will be getting wider fronts compared to standard, and zero toe. however my road car, i'd be happy with a stable setup, tending towards understeer, as I don't drive hard on the road and want to be safe and relaxed foremost.
  10. if time permits, could you do: dyno run 1 - no mods Fit all modifications dyno run 2 - immediately after modifications have gone on then go for a half hour drive, nice mix of a roads, and dual carriageways, get the engine working and give the ecu a chance to make whatever adaptions its going to make then come back to garage... dyno run 3 - with modifications, but ecu should have now reset everything dyno run 4 - with uprev map in place.
  11. I say go for it, if you're curious and don't mind spending extra money on dyno time, then go for it. I for one am curious as to exactly how the ecu dials back to stock - after all, it might take a few runs with the new stuff on to return to standard, so the first run immediately after the modifications are on may see short term gains, but then get dialled back, and then an uprev makes those gains permanent. But if you do go for it be sure to post the results!
  12. as long as we can all that this is by far the worst looking
  13. I'm a bit younger, and grew up on the F&F film, so I'm a huge fan of the 300zx... but HAS to be the Z32, not the Z31 - thats pig ugly! this is what i mean: would love to have a decent twin turbo Z32 again, such a lovely motor.
  14. all good tips, keep them coming! since we're just starting to plan our wedding now. only looking at basic stuff at the moment, ie dates, venues, invite list.
  15. they say 'half the fun of a wedding is planning it'... is it b*****ks. ideally, someone else would deal with all the crap regarding getting venue, getting people to turn up, catering, etc etc etc for you, and you just turn up on the day!
  16. decent tyres will obviously help with traction off the line, get some MPSSs on there. problem with changing tyre profiles besides speedo inaccuracy, is increased arch gap - what you'll lose in ride height, you'll gain in arch gap, so you'll have to lower the car even more before it looks right, and then you'll have trouble with speedbumps and the live. i'm looking forward to seeing our track car handles on lower profile tyres - we're going to drop from225/45/18 front to 245/35/18 front, and then on the rear go from 235/40/18 to 255/35/18 - drops of 15.5mm and 4.75mm respectively.
  17. that's a bit weird imo... im gonna be getting married soon, but neither me of my fiancé are religious, so it'll be civil ceremony somewhere. where are you going to get married if you're not religious, but want a church wedding? I thought you had to a member of the parish and actually go to church to be able to get married in one?
  18. ok seems reasonable to give it a go if you can change the final drive at a reasonable cost! but defo go for a throttle controller as well, no point doing anything if the ecu is still slowing down throttle openings in low gears. if out and out acceleration is the target, you've got to look at making the car as light as possible - admittedly difficult on a zed without losing daily usability, but i'd definitely be looking at removing the spare wheel and swapping out the seats for lighter items, and getting some rays 18" wheels if you haven't already got some. after that it starts getting expensive and more compromised. also if you're down in Kent i'd surely recommend Abbey Motorsport for any garage work you do decide on.
  19. I commute 50 miles a day in mine also, computer tells me I average 27mpg over mostly motorway driving, with some town and B roads also - it also gets used at weekends and sees some spirited driving. I'll see 300 miles to a tank on a good week and that's from full until empty. It costs me approximately £65 to fill up with 99 at tesco. thats still got at least a quarter of a tank in... 27mpg will easily do 400 miles, its an 80 litre tank! So I was led to believe, but absolutely no chance! It's a UK model too. are you going by what the fuel gauge and distance to empty says? mine is chronically unreliable, starts screaming bloody murder at me to put some petrol in when its still got 20 litres in the tank. Trust me, £65 is only what, 51 litres? you've still got 29 litres in the tank my friend.
  20. I celebrate Christmas and easter as the government chose to give me those days off as holiday! if they chose to make divali and Chinese new year national holidays as well, i'd celebrate them as well. i'm not picky - I like holidays!
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