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Everything posted by brillomaster

  1. how much do you want the insurance to be? I think it needs to be added to the criteria, as it will obviously affect how fun the car can be! is £560 close the target?
  2. eh? first you've got to get all your surveys done, get a contract drawn up and signed by both parties, then you've got to set a completion date, and then once all that's done the bank releases the funds for the mortgage and you get the keys. payment is the last thing that happens, not the first? but either way, id expect to do all of this through a solicitor, but the one you spoke to said they can't help?! speak to another one!
  3. surely there's more to house ownership than just transferring some money? i'd expect solicitors to be involved, contracts and title deeds to be seen to and signed, and things like that - money only comes right at the end of the process once everything else is agreed, so the fact that they've already mentioned account does seems somewhat suspicious.
  4. David Walliams is straight?!? even so, hes a right twonk. don't mind graham Norton so much recently, his campness seems to have mellowed. don't get me started on John Barrowman or Louis Spence though. I've got no problem with their sexuality, they're just twonks of the highest order.
  5. ah but it doesn't say anything about a cocktail of drugs, so im still safe taking my own special recipe - I call it 'benzococacannaketamphetamethametamorphodonorthine-pam' - its potent stuff!
  6. I think it depends how its driven - trackdays, drifting or driving enthusiastically, you need to run 98 since the car will be redlined a lot more often. of course nowadays the cars are getting cheaper to buy, the mileages on the engines are getting higher and higher, and the use of the car is shifting to the younger buyer who might take it on track occasionally. I suspect we might start seeing a lot more engine failures in the future - after all, there will be several 1 careful owner cars with mileages approaching 100k that come up for sale and are bought by younger guys who do a trackday with it - and that hard use after years of driving around on 95 might trigger a failure.
  7. that's pretty much correct - although I suspect its more a case of the front right reaches the limits of its grip sooner than the better front left, so the car can brake harder on one side, which causes the car to rotate. I wouldn't consider Kumho KU39s as being a bad tyre per say, just not as good as a continental. if the rest of the kumhos are serviceable, and the front right still has a reasonable amount of tread, i'd replace the continental with a kumho. if you replace the kumho with a continental (so 2 conti's on the front, 2 kumhos on the rear), it will encourage oversteer. ideally you want a consistent level of grip all around, for stable predictable handling.
  8. turn the headlights on - every 2nd squirt of the windscreen washers should also trigger the headlight washers.
  9. most definitely mismatched tyres! don't run different tyres on the same axle you crazy person! Only a fool would do that! (I jest, since we're running mismatched tyres all round on our track car, and its hilarious - completely different grip levels whether you're turning left or right, and every time we brake the car twitches and shimmys depending on which tyre is gripping the most at any given time. seriously, running mismatched tyres is a terrible idea.)
  10. just had a quick read of this, seems every day is a school day! http://www.w8ji.com/rpm_limiters.htm personally i'd spend the money on decats and a straight through exhaust, and get your pops and bangs that way.
  11. hmmmm... (goes off to look at secondhand caymans)
  12. ross27, that looks spot on! tempted with something like that for the zed!
  13. hahaha this is true, remarkable the number of boyracers on other forums who post pictures of their cars, ignorant of the fact there are also pictures of their naked ex girlfriends publicly viewable in their albums
  14. do it... exhaust bypass valves are cool. for the full effect, the exhaust with valve closed should be nice and refined, good amount of silencers and resonators. then with bypass open, pretty much a straight through system with no silencing at all - it wont be a nice noise, but you want it to be LOUD! brbrbrbrbrbrrbbBRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPPP
  15. Pearoast! http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/94527-fwd-gt-r/ although give you your dues - your post has the more informative title!
  16. get your bank on the case - should be able to get a planned overdraft of £1000 no problems which is probably the easiest way to get some funds, or the cheapest way would be to apply for a 0% credit card.
  17. well admittedly its a Ferrari with 660bhp, so that's obviously good... but I have to say, I think her older sister the F458 is prettier!
  18. there really isn't any point in buying secondhand cats or decats now, knowing full well you're going to get HFCs come MOT time - might as well just fork out for HFCs now. how are you looking on credit cards/overdraft situation?
  19. but if the car is sitting there unused, then just taking it to the shops and back once would count as being the main driver, as over the period of insurance, that would be the majority of the driving ,apart from test drives. and you probably wouldn't even need to be a named driver to just move it around - my insurance allows me to drive someone else's car with their permission, as long as they have valid insurance for the vehicle.
  20. Hmmm, its not exactly pretty... the front end has a very big gaping mouth look to it, and side vents for the intercoolers look very strange, and the rear bumper looks... dare I say it... a bit fat? however, 660bhp is a ridiculous amount of power! firstly, its hugely higher than the 458's figure of 562, and secondly, where do they go from there for a lightweight variant in the future? that's got to have around 700bhp, surely?
  21. ^ seems legit. presume a signed, blank cheque will suffice?
  22. are there any other members of the family (wife, sister, etc) who you can gift the car to for a short period of time to reduce the initial outlay of insurance? since no one will be driving the car other than for test drives, who the named driver on the insurance isn't going to matter so much.
  23. Nice, sounds like an epic trip! I love driving distances, when you look back and think of the things you do each day its incredible, each day seems impossibly long. we hired a car from Trieste a few months back and drove around the Slovenian alps and northern tip of Croatia - stunning countryside, Rovinj is an amazing place
  24. good luck with it! always nice being headhunted, makes it a lot easier to get the role when the job comes to you!
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