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Everything posted by brillomaster

  1. i think Porsche are up for it as they know they will be slowest... and McLaren are up for it because they know they will be fastest... but Ferrari aren't so keen, since the corporate image says they have to be fastest, but they know they wont beat the McLaren!
  2. just did a quote on my potential new car (BMW 335i) and esure were cheapest, which was a big surprise! £550 or so, i'm 27 with 3 years ncb.
  3. Haha there's got to be another black 330ci amongst the other three registered, i'll just blame one of them!
  4. annoyingly you cant do it with the earlier zeds... im constantly locking and unlocking doors, as my fiancé always pulls the handle just as I unlock her side, so have to relock and unlock again! Honestly, do I really need the ability to drive along with the passenger side locked? has anyone ever heard of anyone carjacking someone in this way in this country? stupid American grand theft auto prevention!
  5. well, its not worthless yet... but if you don't post pics upon immediate receipt of wheels and fitting, it will be!
  6. should be good! last trackday on terrible mismatched tyres, as long as the weather is half decent its going to be TCS off, powersliding out of corners when the marshalls aren't looking
  7. oooh a bit of competition for Dans MR2 that I still haven't seen yet! be good if you can make it - our BMW is going to have some stiff competition tomorrow, there are three other BMW 330CIs registered, I bet all of them have better tyres than we do!
  8. sorry! watching so many American car shows that words like 'stock', 'tranny', 'rotors' 'popping the hood' are becoming part of my vocabulary! I even catch myself pronouncing 'coupe' as 'coup' which is just wrong!
  9. as above - clear the surface rust from the rotors with a bit of driving and get a bit of heat in them. if it was in good condition when it was parked, should be in good condition now! if problem persists in a week or two, then start to do more analysis.
  10. have you heard the Mercedes SLS AMG GT3 car? sounds like a Messerschmitt! Corvette race engines make the ground shake when they rumble past... dammit why did the FIA stop GT1 racing?!?!?
  11. also with my gauge at least, if theres less than a quarter of a tank, in the first 5 miles after starting the engine the DTE will drop like a stone, but then after 10 or so miles it realises there is actually still plenty of petrol in the tank, and the DTE reading goes up again!
  12. bit of maths is what you need, when you fill up this evening, make a note of how many miles you did and how much you've put in, to work out your actual mpg. then you'll know how far an 80litre tank will take you, and fill up based on mileage. I gave up using the fuel gauge years ago, I know if i'm averaging at least 25mpg, I can do 400 miles on a tank. frequently driving with the fuel gauge saying '----', but have never actually run out of fuel, even when I think i'm pushing it a bit I can still only get 66 litres in = 14 litres still left in the tank!
  13. probably not if you're below the redline - however each engine has a progressively higher redline, which is part of the reason why each progression of the engine makes a bit more power than the older version.
  14. seems reasonably priced, but it is a terrible time to be selling a convertible! if you need a quick sale you need to put it at a quick sale price. also, is it advertised anywhere other than uk classifieds? i'd never heard of that site before, not where i'd be looking to buy a car from.
  15. yep, no problem. I think it starts flashing '----' when you have around 20 miles of range left - and the gauge is hugely inaccurate anyway - I bet when you fill up this evening you can only fit 61 litres in.
  16. by driver wheel, do you mean the steering wheel, or the front wheels? squeaks and rattles from various trim pieces is pretty common, around the windscreen can squeak in my car.
  17. my votes would be for mainly racecar engines... an unsilenced Ferrari F458 GT3 car at full chat sounds incredible, also the Lamborghini Murcielago GT1 car is pretty special. for a roadcar though, I love V10s - best of the bunch for me is the Lamborghini Gallardo engine
  18. ^ in that example, would GAP insurance cover you back up to the £30K sales value or would it cover the full £33K you still owe the finance company?
  19. is it that difficult? 1kg is 2.2 lbs, 1 metre is 3.3ft, roughly. so 78kg/m is approx 566lb/ft. next you'll be wondering what a kilowatt is...
  20. cheap hobby is a matter of opinion! certainly cheaper than spending £300 on a trackday every month
  21. done a bit of shooting - as said above, dont shoot at the clay, shoot where the clay is going to be. and keep the gun moving through the shot - dont move the gun, then stop when you pull the trigger - clay will have moved by then! also find a shooting range that has a decent variety of clay launchers- the one near here has launchers that fly directly overhead, or curve in all sorts of weird arcs and what have you, even has one that rolls a clay along the floor to simulate a rabbit - very unpredictable as it'lll bounce up just as you pull the trigger! great fun
  22. sounds to me like you need to move back to Yorkshire! its where all your friends are, where daughter is, where workshop and horse are, then it sounds like Yorkshire is the place to be. Can your husband fly from Manchester airport for work? And why do you want to move from Yorkshire?
  23. do you mean the speed restrictor? don't think theres any other restrictions applied to a zed... I strongly suspect its simply based on roadspeed - when limit is reached, it cuts fuel.
  24. oh and to answer your original question, the south is definitely better!
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