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Everything posted by brillomaster

  1. isnt this just Barney Stinsons theory, but expanded a little bit?
  2. I'm glad he's ok, but if he was doing 120mph on a wet road with no seatbelt on, I have no sympathy. hopefully lesson learned for his next car.
  3. this whole free charging thing is getting on my wick a bit - theres no such thing as free energy, just that the person using it isn't the one paying for it. If everyone drove electric cars, charging points would no longer be free. So as an electric car owner, you're in a catch 22 - you want people to adopt electric cars so that the network of charging points is expanded, but if everyone had an electric car, the charging points would no longer be free as there would be no petrol buyers to subsidise it. personally, if I was onto a sweet free energy deal, i'd keep it quiet, lest everyone else hops on the bandwagon and it stops being free.
  4. don't forget the constant stress of driving with people walking out in front of you all the time cos they haven't heard you coming, or the inability to use heated seats, radio, lights, wipers for fear of the battery running down... and also, I personally don't like the idea of having to plug it in to charge every single night... can imagine that would be annoying if its freezing cold or peeing with rain. yes it may cost me more to fill up, but I only do it once a month with a petrol car!
  5. looks nice. I used to be a sceptic before, but having been in one, they're actually a hoot to drive. Need to convince my missus to buy one!
  6. cringe. he needs to get over himself. there are some good points, but some are entirely redundant. any decent modern saloon will be whisper quiet, and automatics are perfectly capable of changing gear if the driver wants to feel no mechanical connection to the car at all. and engine still running when you get out the car? heaven forbid the driver twists a key a quarter turn, or just buy a car with stop start? im sorry I can see the appeal if you don't like driving and you do a short commute every day perhaps through stop start city traffic, but for any kind of sustained high speed cruising i'll stick with internal combustion.
  7. pull the seatbelt all the way out, if the car is garaged over winter it might well be cold or damp which slows down the return. if it feels like theres moisture on the belts pull the seatbelts all the way out and dry them out, then they should retract quicker. I presume you're always running air con when you're driving the car?
  8. Seems i spoke too soon! We have just booked Croft for Monday 4th May (Bank Holiday Monday) with Javelin. Still spaces if anyone wants to come along. Really looking forward to trying a new track - the brakes and throttle cable have just been overhauled, so looking forward to some decent braking performance, and being able to heel and toe again! have also done some more investigation into our mismatched wheel bores - seems three hubs are 72.6mm, and one is 74.1mm. however, all the wheels are 74.1mm, so three need a spigot ring! hopefully with them fitted the steering vibration will go away. have a bit more weight to remove this coming weekend, and then will try out the new actioncam on monday!
  9. i liked it... maybe a bit more variety of shots, and also i like videos that show the people behind the cars as well - after all, a meet like that is all about community, it doesnt matter what a person drives, its just everyone is together through a common love of cars - i like videos that should the community and the friendship or being a petrolhead.
  10. happened to me a few years back... early morning on a quiet dual carriageway, fairly badly smashed up car in the outside lane, nobody around that i could see. stopped at the next layby and phoned 101, they already knew and were on the way, but appreciated the call none the less. and recently was around 5 seconds behind a single car incident on the M1 early on a saturday morning, saw smoke and something snaking back and forth across the road, then literally seconds later came across a car on its roof in the outside lane. fortunately everyone stopped and a load of lorry drivers were first on the scene, coned off and got people out. certainly put a damper on the trackdays i was on the way to in both cases!
  11. also, MOT testers have to be harsh, and will mention something to cover their backs. you could well have the same advisory appear on an MOT test year after year with no problems. Its an advisory, not a fail. £4,600 is pretty darn cheap anyways. To be honest id be most worried if the seller is putting on new front tyres for you just before the sale, i'd check they're not some nasty ditchfinders - cos if they are you'd want to take them straight off again, which would waste everyones time and money.
  12. I didn't think admiral multicar do TPF&T... my £800 track car is insured with them and even that's on fully comp, not that i'd ever claim against it.
  13. welcome! what kind of car are you looking for, different model years and mileages have different issues to be aware of. As it happens, I know someone with one for sale if you're interested
  14. should be able to tell by looking at the tyre sidewalls - 225s on a 8.5" rim will be showing a bit of stretch, while 245s on an 8" rim will look like they're oversized. both sidewalls (a 225 on an 8" and a 245 on an 8.5") should look the same, if theres a noticeable difference front to rear then i'd think something was amiss.
  15. I'd sell it as is - be honest about the negatives, but accentuate the positives. hopefully a prospective buyer will see that a mechanically sound car with a full service history is worth more than a garage queen that hasn't been properly maintained.
  16. well that'll be good if true. just as long as Sue Perkins doesn't get the job!
  17. Car is now also on ebay here: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Nissan-350z-2003-53-Gunmetal-Grey-UK-GT-69-000miles-FSH-/301604362821?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item4639055a45
  18. definitely go for the speed awareness course if you can - when I was caught for doing 85 on an empty motorway at 11pm ( )I was originally just going to be getting points - but I politely requested the speed awareness course to learn something rather than just be punished. its not as bad as you might think, actually learned a good amount of stuff (although very little of it relevant to doing 85 on a motorway) and kept a clean licence which is always good.
  19. jeez, i'd be livid if some self-righteous prick pulled out in front of me like that. its clearly a two lane road at that point, they were still a long way away from the merge point. quite why everyone is queuing already I don't know, guess the general british public just love joining a queue. but yes the signs at these things are rubbish - firstly, nobody needs to know about a merge 800 yards before the actual merge - at 60mph that's still 30 seconds away. in city centres a road can go from two lanes to one lane and back again several times in 800yds, often with no warning. But a nice big sign saying USE BOTH LANES UNTIL MERGE POINT would be a good idea. also, its this kind of thing why I think we should be able to overtake in any lane - the amount of middle lane numpties you can quite happily sail by in the empty inside lane is astounding - if there is clear road ahead of me in a lane, it should be used rather than pull into the middle lane to join a queue that's overtaking a lorry half a mile up the road.
  20. Insta- just kidding i'm swapping my jap car for a german car
  21. down in sunny Dorset I believe!
  22. I don't think there's anything wrong with copper slip on the hub faces, I think its copper slip on the bolt threads that's not advised.
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