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Everything posted by brillomaster

  1. what a bunch of tools. think i'll stick to trackdays!
  2. unlikely to make this one... its halfway between wedding and honeymoon lol plus holiday is in short supply! more likely to make Silverstone, especially now I feel we have a car that might be reasonably alright round there!
  3. one of the fastest in the UK! should suit an M3 well, remember your brave pills for the corners!
  4. hmmmmm £200 you say? is that for the full GP circuit? Might well be tempted to use one of my remaining days holiday for this, will see what ken says!
  5. +1 just pulled the private plates off my beemer, then got busy with the wd40 to loosen the glue and scraped off the rest of the pad with a penknife. my main concern was getting the area completely residue free so the new sticky pads would create good adhesion - but the new plates exactly covered up where the old ones were, so wasn't too worried about the finish.
  6. YAY GO ME! Also grundy wasnt being mean or sarcastic grundy has spend hours looking into and it probably the best person to speak to about it when ever this topic arises 99% of the forum call it a cheap tacky solution to a problem that shouldn't exist in the first place +1000000 TWELVE INCH WHEELS ARE TOO WIDE! BUY WHEELS THAT FIT! and so on :lol:
  7. my 2003 zed was on 70k when I sold it, still on original clutch and gearbox was perfect!
  8. ^ +1 same as it is in Leamington Spa. Sainsburys super unleaded is 115.9p, happy with that. costs £65 to fill the beemer
  9. as above - it drones a bit when you accelerate in 5th or 6th from about 2000rpm, but on motorway cruising its quiet. However, I would say that for the money, a cobra resonated exhaust sounds glorious! must do mod for the zed in my opinion!
  10. seems pretty constant these days... 110.9 for the regular stuff, been consistent for the last few months.
  11. pretty sure my employer starts at 4 weeks notice, then adds on a week for every year of service, up to a maximum of a lot of weeks! How long has she been with the company and what does she do? sounds like she may have been doing well to have had it at 4 weeks!
  12. more in the style of top gear USA would work for me, the studio section doesn't really add a great deal to the proceedings - the news and SIARPC I can do without.
  13. ditch the SIARPC (unless its someone who can actually drive - the F1 drivers are fine) and scrap the heavily scripted forced humour bits, then carry on as before actually, with budgets going up, change the reasonably priced car for something with a bit more... bite. I suggest the new mustang, that's actually very reasonably priced!
  14. woot new top gear! or whatever its going to be called on amazon.... but everyone will refer to it as new top gear lol I predict it'll be downloaded even more times than Game of Thrones was
  15. I suspect veilside means coilovers are far more noticeable visually... yes tyres are the better mod for performance, but nobody is going to look at your car and say 'damn, sweet tyres dude!'
  16. I think its pretty decent for long journeys to be honest, main thing is finding roads with decent tarmac. The newly resurfaced bits of the M5 and M1 are all perfectly quiet. biggest cause will be the big empty bootspace with no separation from the passenger compartment. thicker carpets help, or dynamat the whole area as some members have done.
  17. nah, 6k would get you into a decent zed with all boxes ticked - mine would have met your spec perfectly, and sold for £5,400. admittedly it had some rust issues... but im sure the right car will come along!
  18. you should have seen the first beemer we had before we did any mods to it... was like trying to steer a boat the amount it rolled. it was hilarious trying to hustle it round a track though. Unfortunately, new tyres for the latest beemer has made it somewhat less fun... theres no tail out larking about now, it just grips! obviously good for lap times and tyre longevity, but might need to modify to get some of the playfulness back, or change my driving style!
  19. watched this the other day, very interesting! Of course, since fitting decent tyres to the track car I am now a tyre convert! however, it would also be interesting to see the difference suspension makes to a car with very soft suspension as standard - in fairness the standard suspension on a GT86 is probably reasonable - it calls itself a sports car after all.
  20. Welcome along! You wont be disappointed with a Zed!
  21. Just booked trackday number 5 for the new beemer, we're off to Blyton Park on Sunday 16th August. Lots of availability at the moment and its a bargain price considering its a sunday in the middle of august. Just £129 for the car and first driver, additional drivers £20. http://www.javelintrackdays.co.uk/trackday/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&page=shop.browse&category_id=1106itemid=11 Blyton is a great little circuit, its quite short but its a good mix of fast sweeping corners and tighter sections. Plus, as there is no racing on the circuit there are no barriers to hit, which makes it a great track for a first trackday. You'll have seen it featured quite a lot on the EVO track battles. Anyone else fancy coming along and stretching the legs of their zeds? Seems to have been a very quiet year for trackdays so far!
  22. That depends on the stubby... I had a cheapo one from ebay which snapped just above the screwfit, understandably radio reception was poor! it also had to be drilled out of the base, which was nerve racking! replaced it with a Honda RDX aerial and the reception was spot on. £13 or so off the traders on here, its a no brainer. put a tiny dab of copper grease on the threads as well, stops moisture getting in and rusting the threads.
  23. the sound will mellow a bit as the system cokes up a bit inside, which will reduce the drone a little. alternatively, stay in 5th when cruising!
  24. great race today, best for ages! contact and proper racing aplenty, very unpredictable result as well! heres hoping spa is as good!
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