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Everything posted by brillomaster

  1. well official line, very naughty, incredibly dangerous, many small kittens could have been killed, etc etc. Personal opinion, fair play... in for a penny, in for a pound I guess! hopefully it'll just be a short ban. got any other convictions? next time try and make absolutely darn sure there are no coppers about, but you have my sympathy if they're jumping out the hedges at you.
  2. i'm presuming if you're asking for a solicitor then we're in ban territory... i'm guessing 115mph. Still, unless circumstances mean its not clear cut, i'd plead guilty and accept your punishment!
  3. how old is the battery? if you're unsure then it can't hurt to have it changed, especially for peace of mind over winter, its only £60 or so.
  4. another 2p off a litre today, whoop whoop! really no reason not to use super now that its just 106.9 at my local sainsburys!
  5. Happy birthday sunshine. May this thread be filled with many rubber related puns!
  6. willtheyfit.com is what you need. If memory serves standard wheels are 8" ET30 front, 8.5" ET33 rear, and are generally thought best with a 20mm/25mm spacer combination.
  7. modifies the DE airbox be adding an elongated trumpet cone so it acts like an HR airbox - believe flyboy on here sells kits. if you have an HR zed its already done.
  8. best air intake for power gains is a standard airbox with the velocity stack mod and a decent panel filter. The popcharger is good for extra noise, but will lose a couple of horsepower.
  9. everyone knows the most cost effective way of having a faster car... which is selling the zed and buying a faster car! Trying to chase an extra 10bhp here or 10kgs less there really isn't going to make a noticeable difference, you're still in a zed, it'll still be only moderately powerful and overweight. Should stop trying to change it and enjoy it for the things it does well - great V6 soundtrack, meaty handling and big capacity NA grunt.
  10. i wouldn't recommend it... have occasionally bodged a downshift in the track car and accidentally put 7000rpm through a motor with a redline at 6500rpm... it did not sound happy!
  11. Peugeot 306, 1.4, think it was £850 or so. Bought with part of some £10k poker winnings i'd come into that year!
  12. Heres the video evidence... nothing too spectacular, since TCS was on all day. Somewhere like Bedford where theres nothing to hit then i'd turn it off, but at Oulton park, its just wet grass, then armco - which wouldnt end well, so TCS stayed firmly on! still remarkable how much grip there still is even in the rain - although such was the downpour that aquaplaning was becoming a real risk - and no amount of TCS will save you if there is no grip.
  13. would love to, but away that weekend! best of luck with it, hope the weather holds for you! been there before?
  14. so was at oulton yesterday... interesting day, summed up mainly by rain! managed to get a session each on a dry-ish track (although tyres were still cool) then the rain came. By midday it was chucking it down. Quite a few interesting moments, had our first excursion into the gravel when ken missed his braking point into Druids - didnt beach it, just kept going. But a new experience none the less. And then a spin on entry to the Brittens chicane when ken did an early downshift to second without rev matching, which unsettled the rear. My sessions werent entirely uneventful - got alongside an MX5 along the start finish straight, but realised he still hadnt seen me and was edging me left onto the grass, which could have ended badly, and then a few drivers with unclear messages, which led to a few strange overtakes round the outside at Druids and Lodge. But overall despite the lashing rain, the car is remarkable in the rain (or should that be the tyres?) can drive round some cars like they're standing still - despite about 70 cars signed on, there were only a handful of cars that were faster than us, which is nice. And reviewing the footage seems my best time was a 2:27, so only a second slower than last years 330ci, despite a 40bhp deficit and lashing rain. given a dry track i think a 2:19 or faster would be achievable. Will have to try oulton park in the dry next year, i still dont like the chicanes but everything else on the track is brilliant.
  15. another reason for someones first car to be a volvo estate, other than the ample crash zones if you do bin it, boot big enough for two to 'sleep' in, and cheap insurance!
  16. oh its so cringey.... they massively overestimate the girls ability to drift, doesnt end well!
  17. thank the massive tank for that! and added bonus your fuel gauge appears to be working correctly, a lot of them cry wolf when there is still 30 litres in the tank
  18. I presume you'd run these with bolt diameter adaptor spacers? i'm guessing the offsets are something like ET34 front and ET37 rear? nice set of rims, if they don't sell on here im sure someone will have them on ebay for a beemer.
  19. whats your budget? As the best exhausts are certainly not the cheapest exhausts!
  20. they certainly do, at every pump in posh leamington. Its only 97RON but as Ekona says, it conforms to all the standards for super unleaded.
  21. Sainsburys super unleaded FTW! my zed ran perfectly fine on it for three years, and nectar points are always useful. Plus its cheap, 108.9 at the moment!
  22. ahem, see the other post about someone who just passed their test in a 350z
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