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Everything posted by brillomaster

  1. yeah javelin do love to stack'em high, sell'em cheap when it comes to places... its alright if its a really long track like Bedford or snetterton, but Mallory really needs about a 40 car cap, guessing javelin would have sold about 60 places. I *might* be taking it easy this year, could do with saving for a house deposit!
  2. i'm gonna hazard a guess this is a Javelin trackday? i'd imagine Mallory park have quite a strict number of cars allowed on track, seeing as its so short. and yeah overtaking can be interesting - I remember a few years back being three abreast coming into Gerrards, the straights aren't really long enough to make a move stick unless the car being overtaken backs off. although overtaking round the outside at gerrards is good fun got any plans for your next trackday? with any luck we're off to snetterton in a fortnights time, as long as it stays mild.
  3. PS hope Han Solo remains dead - i like harrison ford, but he was never going to be able to pull off an old man version of Han Solo. Same with Carrie Fisher, all of the things that made Leia so good in the original films had vanished. Hopefully Mark Hamill will be able to pull off an old man Luke more in fitting with the original films.
  4. shes pretty much an exact cross between natalie portman and keira knightly, but strangely that doesnt make me like her... good on disney for using unknown actors though - its very hard to watch, say, a will smith film without constantly going 'thats will smith!' hopefully she'll be better in the next two films, guess we're stuck with her now.
  5. i would have thought bandage would be even more susceptible to wear than braided steel, so not really sure how it would help? thought most flexys go due to be rubbed across the floor too many times? if you welded a sheath of steel round a flexy, that might help, but then you might as well do away with the flexy altogether?
  6. huzzah finally watched the film so can finally comment on this thread! overall, pretty enjoyable, even if it is just a remake of the first film. quite a few plot holes, namely regarding the death planet thing... the empire/new order have seriously got to start making better shieldied crafts, if it can be blown up by a few tiny x fighters and some insider help. although point taken that when its just absorbed the energy of a sun that its a bit volatile, but even so, you'd think they'd have learnt fro the first two deathstars. secondly, the resistance has seriously got to up its long range radar - you'd think it would be quite hard to miss a massive death planet drifting into your system, they should have seen it a few lightyears away, unless it can move at lightspeed, which i somewhat doubt. personally, thought the bad guy was pretty good... way better than anakin skywalker was, he looked pretty much exactly like i thought he would when he took his mask off. and lastly i thought Rei's acting was actually a little lacklustre - i think its the curse of disney to have teenagers in leading roles, who just arent as good actors as more experienced people. still, looking forward to the next one, and how a deathsun (trademark pending) can be destroyed by a mouse chewing through a cable. Almost as bad as blofelds base that is destroyed by a single lucky shot to a gas main, bad guys in films really need to up their construction and failsafes.
  7. post up some pics of the car with the new wheels on, sounds interesting!
  8. that is indeed a very nice car, and great colour. Really liking the 4 series design at the moment, every one I see looks great. Plus fair play for going with a Manuel!
  9. a new take on the presenting format might not be a bad thing - although I hope they continue to actually have a presence at every race and not save money by presenting from a studio. And why on earth would you not want to feature Suzi Perry? trying to think which other female presenters channel 4 has in its employ that could do as captivating job...
  10. well that's a bit annoying! but at least terrestrial coverage will continue. Wonder who the commentating line up will be, been a long time since I've watched any form of motorsport on channel 4!
  11. go and see Mitz at cougarstore in Leicester, sure he'll have a reader and can fix the problem if one is identified.
  12. :'( WAAAAAHHHHH take the evil scary thing away from me! :'( I remember going over a mates house for a sleepover when I was about 11 and all the other boys settled down to watch Event Horizon... I didn't like it, so sat in the hallway and watched A Bugs Life instead They then started watching Scream, and eventually got me to come back in the room after telling me that Buffy was in it lol. but seeing that i'm glad I didn't stick around for Event Horizon! The Mummy is about as far as it goes for me!
  13. rotational noises are normally either bearings (jack the car up and rock the wheel to check for play), a stone caught in the disc brake somewhere, or worn brake discs/pads (take wheel off and have a thorough look at both outside and inside of the discs and both pads). should be fairly easy to diagnose and rectify
  14. nah, if in doubt and you're doing relatively short journeys close to home, then put the money aside now, and replace when it starts slipping. A high biting point might still be 5k or 10k away from actually slipping depending on how its driven. if however you're planning a 2000 mile eurotrip and you have doubts about the clutch, i'd change it before you go.
  15. good read... need to see someone post the other side of the argument though! For me, the ideal car takes bits from both old and new cars: Old car - breaks down more often, but easier to fix New car - more reliable, but considerably more expensive/difficult to fix when it breaks Old car - better handling, low on grip New car - Very high levels of grip, at the expense of handling Old car - tuneful, naturally aspirated engines, but poor fuel economy and not that powerful New car - monotonous turbo engines, but more powerful and better fuel economy Old car - no driver aids, very little electronic distractions - more likely to crash, cant Bluetooth to your phone to play music New car - lots of electronic gizmos, considerably less likely to crash - heavier car, more things to go wrong So the ideal car is reliable but easy to fix, naturally aspirated yet fuel efficient and powerful, has good handling and high levels of grip, is light but still has creature comforts. for me the sweetspot was the 90s - modern enough to not break down every 5 minutes yet no so complicated you need to go to a dealer to change a lightbulb, good looks rather than an amorphous blob, enough driver aids to prevent crashing but not so many as to detract from driving, powerful engines that aren't dull.
  16. no that's fairly normal for a zed, takes a little while to get used to.
  17. i would keep an eye on the pressures... cold pressures of 35psi can easily shoot up to 44psi when the tyres get hot, which will severely impact the grip levels. I'd start the day at 35psi, do a few sessions then come in and check pressures again, and then lower them back down to 35psi. Then ideally at the end of the day put a bit more air in them for the drive home once they cool down again.
  18. waaaaaaaaay too busy that week for that! We're hopefully next on track at snetterton either middle or end of January, weather permitting
  19. quite a few different types of supercharger out there though... for example the big belt driven twin screw ones that sit on top of an engine will require a big hole to be cut into the bonnet! or are you only referring to centrifugal type superchargers all being the same? And i'd imagine size would make quite a difference, fitting a supercharger from a mini hardly seems worth the effort for the small increase in power it would provide.
  20. also depends how essential it is that you can get around every day! although if mobility was your concern, i'd be looking at winter tyres rather than a cheap winter hack.
  21. if you buy smart, you wont lose any money on a winter hack. just make sure its not going to tick over any significant mileage in your ownership and it still has a decent amount of MOT on it when you come to sell it. You might even make a profit if you can buy a badly advertised car for cheap, clean it up and do a proper advert for when you sell it on.
  22. difficulties of dark wheels on a silver car... and the rears are relatively narrow. spacers would help, but the wheels are small and narrow on purpose - if it handles how you want it to Dan then don't listen to us, i'm just needling!
  23. Looking sharp! the want for a 6 series grows stronger! too bad the wheels look really small
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