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Everything posted by brillomaster

  1. its gonna be tyres. Its ALWAYS tyres. if the OP isn't running round on wangching dingdong ditchfinders i'll eat my own hair.
  2. im still waiting to find out what tyres were fitted! i'm guessing they are seriously shoddy I mean the zed is a reasonably grunty car, but wheelspin in third is a little alarming. PS ignore the detracters, flooring it from 4000rpm in 3rd is a standard overtaking move for me.
  3. Care to elaborate? I don't quite get where you're going with this? The big romantic Valentine gesture!!!! Preparing OH for Mustang instead of nest lol Only joking, thought your other thread was lovely She's actually on board with me getting a Mustang haha she said it's my money, and I worked for it, so I get to choose how I spend it The pro's of being very early 20's aye? saying 'its your own money' is a little strong... most of the money will be the finance companies
  4. http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201601240371060?minimum-badge-engine-size=4.0&radius=1501&sort=default&page=1&make=bmw&transmission=manual&postcode=OX16%205DB&search-target=usedcars&onesearchad=used%2Cnearlynew%2Cnew&logcode=p Dan would approve
  5. hes right you know... in the 4 years I've owned my flat it has increased in value so much I could now nearly afford to buy a new mustang outright (not that I would ever buy a new car due to depreciation!) wheras a car will almost always go down in value. if you want a V8 do the sensible(!) thing and get a bmw 5 or 6 series, can pick them up for peanuts these days.
  6. errrm... most summer tyres are not brilliant when operating well outside their temperature range Numerous wins across a number of independent tyre reviews would suggest CSC5s are alright http://www.tyrereviews.co.uk/Tyre-Tests/#summer
  7. we normally run yellowstuff on our track bmw, would recommend them over redstuff as redstuff aren't really beefy enough for track work in a heavy car like the zed. great for road driving through.
  8. if its boring to like things original and as the manufacturer intended, then yes, boring
  9. Totally agree. Did a rough edit to see what it looks like with the film removed: looks just right now hope he gets that film off before the next owner does Actually if you'd be so kind as to photoshop on a standard front bumper, and also photoshop on some standard RAYS wheels, then that'd be pretty much my perfect car
  10. +1 this is the way to do it. I knew with my driving I could do 350-400 miles from a tank, so filled it up around there, regardless of what the fuel gauge was saying. that way I was consistently putting in around 70 litres.
  11. the fuel gauge is also pretty dire - my car used to scream bloody murder at me to put some petrol in, when it still had a good 20 litres in the tank. usually i'd start the car up with 60 miles or apparent range, then within the first 5 miles the range would drop to '----' then miraculously 5 miles later it would find some more petrol and the dte would go back up to where it started. but as ekona says, do a proper calculation - brim the tank, do 100-200 miles or so, then brim the tank again and note how much petrol you used, which will allow you to then work out actual mpg, and thus what range you actually have from an 80 litre tank. It doesn't really help calculations when you fill up a little bit here and there, the only two times you can be 100% sure of how much fuel is in it is when its brimmed to the top (~80 litres) or conked out at the side of the road (0 litres )
  12. harsh. theres nothing wrong with Jo Brands comedy.
  13. theres a time and a place for yellow tinted headlights, and it was on 80s and 90s French cars only. Also not really a fan of the bumper, think there are far better ones out there, but its not the worst I've seen either.
  14. how can you be so sure its not the battery? when was it last replaced?
  15. It's loud very loud but a lovely tone and besides I'm getting deaf in my old age í ½í¸± It certainly looks loud! the old buddyclub system had far bigger rear cans, that's almost K1 levels of small!
  16. Ah, nothing like going on a car control day to make you realise how crap you are at controlling oversteer. Once you've been on a racetrack or a skid pad you realise just how tight most roads are - with traffic, kerbs, signs, bollards and everything else there is literally zero margin for error.
  17. that's a massive shame, looks like a lovely car. Hope you get it sorted quickly and with minimal hassle.
  18. once started, the voltage will read 14v as that's what the alternator operates at. how old is the battery? 95% of starting problems are normally down to a duff battery killed off by cold weather.
  19. I cant say I've ever had a problem with accidentally unlocking my car :s however, there was that occasion when parking up in a multi-storey, I forgot to put the window up on my gfs car... it was sat there for 3 hours with the window down. Luckily it was by far and away the least valuable car in the Mailbox carpark and nothing had been stolen - although people did deposit a few mcdonalds wrappers and drinks in it
  20. You probably did, but didn't realise. Fast & Furious is a remake of Point Break - undercover guy goes to work for the crims, falls in bromance, etc. They just swapped surfboards for 10 second cars. You know they're actually making a remake of Point Break right? centered around all sorts of extreme sports. Actually might go see it, if only for the visuals.
  21. get the best quote you can online, then phone a few select specialist insurers.
  22. you gotta floor it to get past. comes with the territory of driving in winter months. if you don't want stone chips from gritters then leave the zed at home on frosty nights (or avoid roads that get gritted )
  23. I've never had a problem just taking it easy for the first few hundred miles after new pads have been fitted - but then again, i'm not a very hard braker on the road anyways.
  24. best car in the snow is my wifes Peugeot 206 1.1. that is, when the battery isn't flat!
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