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Everything posted by brillomaster

  1. cobra resonated is a great exhaust, had one on my zed and loved it. perfectly acceptable on the motorway, and sounded really nice when warm. Got mine from CS as well
  2. if you want quiet AND no central back box I think you're going to have to go custom... you should be able to put in a decent size centre silencer with will greatly reduce drone, and then two smaller silencers at the back with sensible sized exhaust tips to finish. Or for off the shelf, maybe try the Fast Intentions exhaust or the Injen Exhaust
  3. its hugely disappointing for race fans that Lewis felt he had to make a move on turn 4 of lap one... make you wonder why the race distance is 66 laps at all. yes he did have a lot more speed coming out of turn 3, but even so, pretty stupid for both drivers to be so aggressive and take each other out. I think I mainly blame nico for completely closing the door... with lewis having so much more speed it will either end in lewis driving into the back of nico, leading to new front wing for lewis, and possible puncture for nico, or lewis having to take to the grass, being unable to brake and then collecting nico at the next corner. And in response to Jowen earlier, yes I really am hoping for Reverse grids, pretty much all the best races are when a fast car has to start from the back and work his way through the field - can you imagine how good a race it would be if both nico AND lewis had to start from the back of the grid (assuming they don't take each other out at the first corner)? I think instead of having 21 championship races, they should have 15 championship races, and 6 exhibition races, which would allow them to experiment with ballast and reverse grids and 20 lap sprint races and so on without it affecting the championship.
  4. Pirelli Trofeo R do a 295/30 and a 265/35 or a 245/35? tbh i'd have thought 255/40 is a funny size to pair with a 295/30, that's a difference in diameter of nearly 4%, a 35 profile would be a lot closer.
  5. best of luck! naturally we'll want to see photos of the new beast. Would love to own a TVR, but am not brave enough to do it!
  6. sorry to hear that dude! I've killed engines before in the way you describe, unfortunately its either new engine time or new car time - and I guess that decision will be decided by what condition the rest of the car is in. if its an otherwise perfect car that would still be worth £7-8k i'd stump up for a replacement engine, but if it was a high miler with some rust and other niggles, i'd stick it on ebay as is, let someone buy it for spares, then buy another one. Either way i'm afraid you're £2k out of pocket On the plus side you'll be religiously checking oil levels now!
  7. that was a major brain fart by both mercedes drivers... lewis for going for an ever decreasing gap and nico for forcing a commited lewis onto the grass, which then meant he couldnt brake and would collect nico on the next corner. nice to see vestappen take his first win, would have preferred more overtakes, but certainly nice seeing a fight for 1st place for a change. though its going to be a while before we see a race like china again (and that time will come when they introduce reverse grids)
  8. who's the guy in the hatchback who tagged along? also what magical country did you go to to get that clear weather? clearly wasn't anywhere in Great Britain!
  9. how about extending the summer term by one week, and making the official summer holidays 5 weeks instead of 6, but then allow both teachers and children 1 week's holiday to be taken at some point during the year? In fairness, nobody does any work the last two weeks of the summer term. either you've just finished exams so everyones in holiday mode anyway, or its the end of the school year and everyone is just counting down the days till summer holidays!
  10. fine parents for kids playing truant - parents need to ensure their kids go to school. however don't fine parents who need to take cheaper holidays if their kids are doing absolutely fine.
  11. have to say, I admire the commitment, but you've got a greater chance of finding rocking horse poop!
  12. thats quite major wear there, i'd definitely suggest the alignment was out! definitely get it checked when you have new tyres put on, worst thing that could happen is you wear the new ones in the same way prematurely.
  13. 275/40/R18s are what you need, don't try and run the car with 255/35/18s on the rear, TCS will throw a right hissyfit!
  14. funny profiles.... is it for a zed?
  15. tres nice. looks really slick in black, I love that model of 911. Also top man maths at work, really wasn't expecting to see a Porsche when I scrolled down after reading the criteria!
  16. will easily be the most downloaded/torrented show when it does air, even bigger than GoT i suspect. i'm happy, after all, thanks to clarksons fracas my number of top gear related viewings will double!
  17. if he only drives 5 miles a day the engine wont ever get up to temperature, unless you're sitting in traffic for half an hour. Engine oil takes a lot longer to warm up than water. I presume he'd be doing some decent length drives at the weekend, which will be fine to clear out the cobwebs. MPG is going to be horrendous especially in the colder months, but on the other hand if he's only doing 100 miles a month bad MPG isn't really a concern!
  18. i would have said more pennies, but see you've already tried that... how many pennies a side did you put in? 3 a side worked well for me
  19. not sure about sunshine, but general warmth will be nice. no real plans for Saturday, but car meet on sunday with hopefully a nice drive round. will also be paying someone to wash the car at some point (not doing it myself!)
  20. Most of the action appears to be on the A487 from Dolgellau to Machynlleth. This is part of the "Mach Loop" where you can get a vantage point above the incoming jets as they fly down the valley...... We just seem to get the tailenders! I remember this... walking on Cadair Idris and seeing jets and a full blown Hercules flying along the Valley below you rates as one of the coolest things I've seen
  21. not sure what you're getting at there? the problem isnt people not having them on when its dark, its the idiots who drive around with sidelights and foglights on when its bright sunlight. if its dark, put main beams on. if its light, then dont. if you are parked at night, use sidelights. Thats the ONLY acceptable time to use sidelights. if sidelights were linked to the handbrake that would alleviate the problem of people using sidelights as DRLs.
  22. I would just like the government to do two road safety campaigns this year: 1) Indicators aren't optional 2) Sidelights: not just there so that you have to turn a switch twice i think sidelights should only be able to switch on when the handbrake is on, since they're for when you are parked! And foglights should only be able to come on when the dipped headlights are already on. None of this sidelights and foglights being on when its bright sunlight nonsense. so important i said it twice.
  23. I would just like the government to do two road safety campaigns this year: 1) Indicators aren't optional 2) Sidelights: not just there so that you have to turn a switch twice i think sidelights should only be able to switch on when the handbrake is on, since they're for when you are parked! And foglights should only be able to come on when the dipped headlights are already on. None of this sidelights and foglights being on when its bright sunlight nonsense.
  24. Lane Discipline is a great German technique that is completely ignored in the UK. EFA
  25. directionals do look better... have a look at hankook ventus v12 evo2s, they're definitely directional and in the sizes you need. and they're a decent tyre, very reasonably priced.
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