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Everything posted by brillomaster

  1. i'm with GM, no idea what dan's acronyms means!
  2. well that was all thoroughly enjoyable. possibly 4 of the best films i've ever seen on top gear actually! great film by CH. very informative and well presented film by rory, usual bbc showing its might closing most of london for a day for MLBs section. definitely way way better than episode 1, if they'd have opened the series with that episode it would have been a completely different story on social media the next day.
  3. could always install an ignition cut system, which cuts the spark instead of cutting fuel at the redline, or when changing gear (so called flat shift) have a read through this (which grundy started!) http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/94644-rev-limiter-bouncing/
  4. compare the quote with mytyres, tyreleader, blackcircles or oponeo.
  5. more difficult in a naturally aspirated car, best you'd do there is to run decats and a straight pipe, and enjoy the pops and crackles. for full on flames, boosted engines tend to give best results, again decatted works best. and what happens is boost kicks in, ecu dumps a load of fuel into the engine, and then throttle snaps shut, so excess unburnt fuel is ignited in the hot exhaust. also modern cars are worse for flames since they have better control of the Air fuel mixture, naturally an engine running rich will have excess fuel to be burnt in the exhaust, hence why it can be mapped in if requested.
  6. nice car! muchly approving of BMW e92s, and I love a dark graphite on a car.
  7. spose you could go for 255 on the rear if you really want... wouldn't go any wider than that though on an 8.5" wheel. To be honest the best sizes for those wheels are the sizes that are on them.
  8. not cheap enough annoyingly... really want an S2000 as a track car, but still asking for £5k for even a cheap one, need to be closer to £2-3k for me to consider
  9. i haven't joined a BMW owners club... sure their forums are a wealth of information, but its just that normally - theres no banter like with you lot.
  10. what costs of zed ownership are you hoping to avoid, and what are you hoping to keep? if I had £8k to spend right now and wanted to reduce costs, it'd be a bmw 330d I suspect - all the rwd goodness and comfort of a three series, plenty fast enough for cruising, but mid 40s fuel economy and less roadtax.
  11. not really a tyre designed to complement a zeds sporty nature (the clue is 'eco' in the name) what makes you particularly keen on those rather than a Goodyear, Michelin, Continental etc, or even a Falken FK453, which is more suited to sporting driving?
  12. a speed 12 /cerbera with a weird bodykit is as close as i got!
  13. ooooh haven't done thruxton yet, kinda hard to get a date that works! I'm hoping to be back on the trackday scene in BMW number 4 in July.
  14. i'd be surprised you can't park on a speedbump. there is no marking at all to suggest that you can't. In the first pic there is no paint at all and its clearly not a pedestrian crossing, so if you did get a ticket then I would be questioning why.
  15. scrap the road tax, put the duty on fuel instead. that way, Steve in his 320d doing 60,000 miles a year rightly pays more than Fangio in his Ferrari 458 who does 3,000 miles at the weekends.
  16. similarly, make sure when you come to sorn it that it is done comfortably before the end of the month - if you sorn it on the 1st of the month then you'll lose that entire months refund, even though the sorn will be effective immediately.
  17. just scrap the SIARC section entirely, nobody cares! american TG did it a few seasons back now, and its far the better for it (not only cos i didnt know who any of the american celebrities were)
  18. well tonights episode was a lot better... pretty much enjoyed all of it, apart from a SIARC section, as usual. the challenge had a lot more going for it this time around, actually had a point to it. and that McLaren F1 LT, wow. words cannot express how much i'd like to drive that car round a racetrack.
  19. ah oh, that sounds quite strange... i'm not normally aware of a clutch slipping, and then gripping... I do apologise if im teaching grandma to suck eggs, but, are you definitely fully engaging the clutch? the clutch is set quite high on a zed, which can cause problems when pulling away, for example. just wondering if you're back on the power before the clutch is fully engaged, it'll feel like it slips a bit. as I say, best way to be sure is 5th gear at 70mph, clutch fully engaged (ie make sure you're not riding the clutch) and then floor the throttle. car will accelerate, but revs shouldn't spike at all.
  20. I hate to be 'that guy' but where are you getting up to 5000rpm in 5th gear?!? also best way to test a clutch is to do motorway speeds in 5th gear then accelerate hard - that way you'll be putting maximum torque through the clutch - if the revs shoot up then the clutch is knackered.
  21. really depends what kinda car you're thinking of... If I wanted to save costs, i'd chop in my 335i, and buy an older 330ci, they're about 2 grand these days. which is a lot of car for not a lot of money. I've also always wanted to try an s2000, but their values seem to be going up, not down annoyingly!
  22. its all about the standard overtaking move, 50-80mph in third. or for really quick cars, 60-100mph in 4th. but yeah, 0-60 times are a mugs game, i'd like to take my car on a drag strip but I care about my gearbox too much.
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