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Everything posted by brillomaster

  1. I'm definitely a young'un, and while the inclination to mod is there, the funds definitely arent. much as i'd love a HKS exhaust, realistically its going to be a Cobra system, and that only once i've paid my dad back the £1200 i still owe him for my car
  2. no worries, fair point about being one of the less frequently checked bulbs! On another annoyance about lights, the number of times people have come up to me and said 'one of your reversing lights is out' only for me to say 'its only got one' and they then say 'I thought all cars had two reversing lights?' NO. you idiot.
  3. you definitely turning on the rear fogs? cos you wouldnt miss them if they were on, it would destroy your retinas with its scorching power. its the second black ring on the left stalk, will only come on with the normal lights (I hate the plebs who drive around with sidelights and front fogs on rather than using dipped beams like you're supposed to )
  4. luckily the situation hasnt come up for me yet... there arent really many good places for a race off the lights where i live. I've noticed that from 4 pages of replies, the consensus is overall ignore them. however, at the risk of throwing the cat in amongst the pidgeons, whats everyones view on overtaking other cars yourself? Is it wrong that i get a kick out of overtaking lesser cars when i can, even when it doesnt really always get me anywhere? I just love the third and fourth gear torque and effortless shove... normally accompanied by a arrogant 'f***ety bye' (a la 'The Thick Of It) as i sail past
  5. sheesh that is one OTT bodykit and spoiler. wheels are quite nice though.
  6. pic 3 for me... looks bang up to date with clear reflectors and rear lenses. only thing i'd change would be the bumpers for some 99 spec ones
  7. just noticed your location too - good to have another west mids member! I'm just down the road in Leamington if you need a hand with anything
  8. Welcome to the forum! A 52 plate looks too old to be a UK car, i thought the first UK cars were a 53 plate. But still, looks in remarkably good shape for a 10 year old car! how many miles has she done?
  9. big ones?! Though on a serious note i really need to learn about turbo sizes... I call myself a petrolhead, but other than knowing that small ones spool up quicker and big ones provide more boost, i know nothing about what the numbers mean!
  10. any updates? wheres the zed ted off to next? im expecting lots of zed ted advertising shiny parts from Tarmac
  11. took out a pidgeon the other week... was doing around 75, pidgeon flew up and tried to outrun my car... bad idea, one pidgeon splat on the windscreen lol. greasy little buggers. took out a squirrel a little while back... saw him a way off, but didnt slow down or change direction. ah well, it played the natural selection game and lost
  12. whether its masculine or not, its a RWD coupe, with a stonking 3.5 litre V6, pushing around 300bhp through a manual transmission. Thats not a car for messing around in, thats a proper drivers car. if you want a car for cruising, posing or ease of driving, there are better choices. admittedly the front end could be a bit more aggressive, and she does have a peach of a bum and curves at the hips, but its got all the right bits underneath. Personally i think its masculine car - along with a Z4 coupe. In the middle would be S2000 and SLK, with a TT and a boxster towards the feminine side.
  13. car keys, wallet and phone are the usual things, but thats not what you want me to say, so i'd say laptop TV 2008 student poker champion trophy. aww **** forgot the girlfriend. oops
  14. just seeing whats happening on the forums really, bit bored... though we have just finished watching 'man on a ledge' so was quickly googling who the girl in it was... just so i know for later
  15. cripes just one of those turbos could power a airbus! looks like an impressive bit of kit, would be interesting to know what it takes to get to 1800horsepower! another thing ive noticed (was the same on a drag Supra i saw on speedhunters) is that the lights and grills are just stuck on, and other than the air intake for the turbos, there is no open front aperture... how do these things stay cool?!?
  16. good idea - although no cheating with the use of imcdb! i checked before i posted, and its a not a recognised spot on their site, so im happy!
  17. awww loved the evo t when i drove it last year - really good stretch of tarmac did you worry the tcs and abs at all? looks both wet and cold... not good for driving!
  18. holy thread ressurection batman! Just watched the episode on BBC3 yesterday, 'Pulling Double booty'... theres a scene in it where Steve is watching his chickens trying to cross the road, but they all get run over by oncoming cars in slow motion. Strangely enough, noticed that the last chicken was run over by none other than a blue 350z - had to rewind, but theres no mistaking that doorhandle and rear lights! I'm not crazy, honest.... found a clip on youtube, the zed is on screen for all of 1 second at 42seconds in http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5f15wLtn8U
  19. best 6 second video ever
  20. Trance for me! nice steady rhythms, very melodic and relaxing makes for very smooth driving.
  21. Only 4 zeds with 12" rear tyres! Needs to be properly slammed for them to work IMO http://www.rimtuck.com/search/thumbnails&make=Nissan&model=350Z&widthr=12&sort=1 plenty of 10" rims on the same site though
  22. yeah, the lines a looked a little early on the turn in, some corners had a very early apex. But you got some perfect weather for a trackday, good work in March! Any photography being taken on the day?
  23. yep went for cassette adapter and MP3 player... started off with the mp3 player on high volume as this normally seems to be best, but it just made for massive distortion especially on the bass. So turned the volume and bass down on the mp3 player to get a nice clean signal through the tape deck heads, then cranked the volume and bass back up through the BOSE headunit if necessary. I'm pretty happy with the setup and its way cheaper than replacing the entire head unit, only thing i might do is upgrade to a Sony cassette adaptor, instead of the absolute cheapest one i could find on ebay. As an aside, most of the problems from playing tapes are a result of the sound being recorded onto the tape, and then the deck heads picking the sound up off the tape - whereas adapters cut out the tape middle man so to speak, so they're actually a lot better.
  24. Luke, why did you buy the car in the first place if it wasnt partly beacuse of the power and GT cruising ability? If those werent on the list, might i suggest an MX5 as an alternative? but you want to really appreciate the zed, get it on some country A roads, or even a motorway - and revel in the effortless speed and overtaking potential. Round town it'll be a complete waste, might as well get a diseasel.
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