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Everything posted by brillomaster

  1. lol, you should have perhaps spent a bit of money on a big broadsheet so you dont paint your garden! But engine bay looks good, gold is certainly different!
  2. Yeah fair point...maybe i'll rename it 'Northern (though mainly Scotland) roadtrip'... and it has to go through Carlisle as it has a massive castle i want to explore!
  3. This is the part from up from Dunfries and back down as far as ambleside - rest is just motorway http://g.co/maps/k45kn It'll also include Dukes pass - heard thats quite a good road for driving!
  4. Allrighty, all the good ones are uploaded now, enjoy! Caelaverock Castle On a ferry to Dunoon On the shore of Loch Eck Kilchurn Castle Driving up to Fort William Me and me dad ascending Ben Nevis On top of the world! Well, the UK at least! Falkirk Wheel Melrose Abbey Walking in the Lakes Have to think of somewhere else to go now!
  5. very true, for most vehicles it makes no difference, as the car is setup for 95 and so running on 98 gives nothing extra. however if a car is setup to run optimally on 98, switching to 95 will be detrimental. maybe not a catastrophic engine failure, just less top end power and economy suffers slightly.
  6. christ thats a lot of motor to power something about the same size as a gnat's testicle.... what width tyre is he running at the front? thats going to ballistic once the tyres hook up!
  7. mmmmm, sexy indeed! Black is a good colour make sure you keep her clean!
  8. But doesnt super give increased MPG right across the rev range, so the extra cost of super would still be offset by the increased mpg, whatever the journey type? Around here super is only 3 pence more expensive than normal (137.9 plays 140.9) which is 2.17% extra, so if you get 25mpg on normal, it would only have to go up to 25.5mpg on super for it to justify the price difference (plus the added benefits of extra torque, obviously)
  9. gonna be super whereever possible for me, only time i will fill with 95 is when i'll be stranded somewhere if i dont. and even then it will only be enough to be driven at low rpms to a pump that does have super.
  10. Agreed, I'm a spirited driver and have had plenty of cross country hoons in my three months of ownership so far, but I think I can count on one hand the number of times I've exceeded 5000rpm, such is the swell of torque available around 3.5 - 4k.
  11. ahh, always good when sellers wildly overestimate the power of the cars they're selling and £11,500 is a bit steep, i'd give him maybe £7.5k tops for that!
  12. Yours is better than mine... i got in trouble for grouping the oldies together
  13. Haha thats great, i'll give you a quid for it! But seriously, Rothkos are weird... they are by far the easiest looking paintings to do, yet they sell for millions... my girlfriend loves Rothko paintings, we went to an exhibition in the Tate Liverpool a few years back. They're very foreboding paintings, i know its just blocks of colour, but they are really unsettling and moody. Also pictures don't do them justice at all, full size they're about 10feet by 15feet
  14. Wear the shirt over the fleece, problem solved Agreed great work, biggest problem with meets is knowing who everyone is, and especially who the head honchos are! My vote would be for everyone to have both real name and forum name tags... cos its also impossible to remember anyones names!
  15. UK shaped for me too - I love Japanese cars and the JDM market, but I wouldnt want to drive an import unless I had to, and a square numberplate is usually a dead giveaway of an import. Plus I generally favour low and wide stylistic cues on cars, which a square numberplate recess isn't.
  16. I'm clearly a lot younger than a lot of people on here, all the cars I wanted I first saw on Gran Turismo 2. First car I really wanted was a Noble M12 after seeing it on an early episode of new top gear, although actually when i first saw the 350Z i wanted that - think it was series 3 when they went to iceland if memory serves.
  17. And as for performance gains, there isnt a lot extra to be extracted from a zed's engine before forced induction (about 30bhp tops) but the restrictions in the cats and y pipe are a key area to rectify to get these gains.
  18. well if you fail the roadside emissions test it is a whopping £60 fine... thats if you get pulled over for testing in the first place. and the chances of that most likely depend on how loud your exhaust is, and how smoky your car looks - i think the scooby boys and other turbo'd cars will raise far more suspicion (admittedly they have more to gain from a free flowing exhaust) as for the insurance, id be surprised that they would think to check if an exhaust has a decat pipe or not, depending on how many other modifications the exhaust has. in my opinion, the only reason i wouldnt run decats is the difficulty of getting it through its MOT, but if you've got that covered i personally wouldnt let the risk of a roadside emissions test or a insurance discrepancy stop me. My previous car ran decats and an illegal numberplate (correct font and spacing, but it was tiny lol) and wasnt ever stopped for either. might be worth searching to see if roadside emissions tests are common in your area, but as i say, there are quite a few other cars that would be more suspicious.
  19. looking good! gonna sound pretty loud... what make is it?
  20. hes confusing a 350z with an audi tt... or an mx5. Nothing fruity about a 280bhp V6 rwd sportscar. except the sound the exhaust makes
  21. i dont have a problem with ths spaces... i do have a problem with why there are so darn many of them. At any one time they are 90% empty. Unless a whole fleet of elderly drivers appear (in which case RUN FOR YOUR LIVES a la that south park episode) they're always going to be more empty than full, and whats the point of that? as for parent child spaces, do they really need to be separate from the disabled ones? just combine the two, and then remove about 75% of them, then make the normal spaces big enough to fit actual cars.
  22. aww sounds like a great day out! Im not that surprised the 5 was ok on brakes, its only got 950kgs to stop after all, and bedford would have a lot of long straights to get some air to the brakes. Have to say, the suspension was a weak point on my 5 - bodyroll was comical as you say. I bought some KONI STRT springs and dampers, which made things a lot firmer with less roll. i really miss being out on track in a cheap car... best day out you can have
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