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Everything posted by brillomaster

  1. Well their reputation amongst 300ZX circles is legendary... if there was anything ever wrong with a 300ZX, they were the people to talk to if they're half as good with 350Zs as they are with 300ZXs, that'll be a very good thing
  2. Blimey, spin at dual carriageway, very glad to hear both you and car are ok! If it was dry and you were only accelerating at 7 tenths on decent tyres, my only thought can be a patch of something on the road, either diesel or oil etc - hope you work it out!
  3. bog standard zed is absolutely fine for meets - remember, the zed isnt just a 'bog standard' car in the first place, any mods people make are just a slight improvement on an already brilliant package
  4. i think 255 35 19s would suit your current fronts best (awaits a second opinion)
  5. He has slowed down a fair bit of late, lets keep this alive and kicking, seems to have hit a rough patch!
  6. Hmmmm its definitely a useful technique to learn, but more relevant on track I found. In normal day to day driving I don't bother, as I can only heel and toe smoothly when I'm braking quite hard, which I don't normally do on roads as my GF is normally in the car! However get it right and you feel like and absolute hero!
  7. welcome! Everyday practicality is absolutely fine for me - pretty sizeable boot is plenty to swallow enough bags for a week long roadtrip, and the fuel consumption and fuel tank means you can go 350 miles between fill ups, and return about 28mpg overall, which aint too bad at all considering the power. As for driving it, is a very relaxed affair - i find very little wind noise and acceptable levels of tyre roar, and the long gearing and good torque means you can quite happily cruise at 2500rpm but still accelerate without dropping a gear. definitely more a GT car than a sports car - my only drawbacks are its a bit heavy and the engine doesnt seem to particularly like revving out the redline, but grip and brakes are good. interior is good if you go for a GT spec - lovely leather seats and good driving position, plus all the toys you'd need. If it helps, I absolutely love mine!
  8. interesting choice! Loving the rears, but the 22" fronts are a bit big. i'm yet to see a zed with bigger wheels than yours, so good work on that!
  9. mmmm i want that twin turbo kit! Nothing to stop you going and taking a good look at the kit before handing over any readies so if all looks in order i'd be happy!
  10. I know you said you dont want a tape to aux converter, but they are only a fiver off ebay, and mines been going strong for 3 months with daily usage so far! would keep you going until you decide on a more permanent solution!
  11. Loving the rims, what are they?
  12. Obviously im liking the spoiler - who wouldnt want a nismo spoiler on the back? and the shaded lights look cool, shame about the reflectors though. Not so sure on the black badges - i always thought colour coded badges were a cheaper fix than going for a full debadge, which is what i'd go for. But maybe in your case colour code the badges to match the wheels also! As for the doorhandles and grill, i'm personally not sure orange is the way to go... unless you go the whole hog and colour code the engine bay the same, and maybe even whack an orange strip down the side or something... Interested to see how this develops!
  13. hmm thats a billy bargain! would be a good buy for someone!
  14. 1,310 miles in two days?!?!?!? |Thats 655 miles a day... so averaging 65.5mph thats 10 hours driving a day... except on scottish roads round the coast you'll be lucky to average 50mph, in which case its 13 hrs a day, and even averaging that will be a tall order. My advice is book an extra two days off work, or turn round at fort william!
  15. nah, anyone who lives with a girl will know that both their rooms and their cars are a state. Boys are tidy, girls are clean (but messy as **** )
  16. thats pretty good, but its a competitive field... just found this guy, skip to 5:27 for how use a beercan
  17. plus, one of the guys you have on the list i sold my old wheels and exhaust to, so would be good to see them back on a ZX! He's going to worry the 100db limit though, it was 99db static when i had it tested
  18. hmmm, mighty tempting since i missed japfest 1 and i missed a chance to drive round donington a year ago cos of snow! I'll have a think and let you know!
  19. was that the jobby for £600 on fleabay? have to say i do love the burnt tips!
  20. well 1200 miles later and we're back! I'll put up some pics once they're all uploaded - unfortunately most of the photos need correcting, but some are ok. Only saw 3 other zeds all trip, got completely blanked by two of them but got a decent wave from one of them - a lady in a sunset orange zed, in Whitchurch, anyone on here?
  21. mmmm just looked through all 12 pages of this... have to say, there are a lot of modified corsas! thankfully by the time i started buying cars they had built up a reputation, and safe to say i wouldnt have touched one with a barge pole Not as many members coming from a 90s jap sports car... the odd supra or GTO here and there, but surprised mine was the only 300ZX. plus there seems to be a lot of members going straight from fwd hatches to rwd zeds - im glad i went via an MX5 otherwise i'd have no doubt got myself in trouble!
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