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Everything posted by brillomaster

  1. oh yeah it is a crying shame that the UK never got the S15! Although the Z33 is obviously better... an S16 would be a very good thing, as long as they do it right with a 6 speed manual, RWD and a slippy diff.
  2. that looks considerably worse for wear than 4 weeks old! thanks, but no thanks... looking like that, it appears to be priced about £200 too high!
  3. Well alright, i'll compromise that it has to be a 6 cylinder minimum - but im still rooting for a Vee, straight sixes is just so... beemerish. However not sure about smaller and lighter particularly... otherwise it will be a S- car, not a Z- car.
  4. Nooooo if its not a V6 its not a zed car! turbocharging is fine, but its got to be a v6! None of this 'every man and his dog' with a 4pot turbo approach. Tell you what they should do if they want to get better fuel economy... reduce the engine size to a 3.0 litre V6, and then strap on two ickle turbos for a bit of boooost... Now where have i heard of that before...
  5. no dishy goodness! always worries me when the spokes are close to or protrude further than the lip - its just asking to be kerbed imo. also looks rather more european DTM than japanese - have to see how they sit on a zed!
  6. mmmm that looks good! spec list as long as my arm - and it has to be to be asking 3 times the normal price for an 03 import!
  7. hmm i did think that with a thin sole i might get through a pair quite quick... maybe i'll stock up
  8. Soon find out! Just impulse bought me some of these beauties PUMA Drift Cat 4 50% off, plus an additional 20% off that makes them a very reasonable £25.60 delivered, plus free returns if i dont like them. Gotta be worth a punt! Will report back if they make a marked difference to my old dunlops! P.S. Cheers Ebized for the info
  9. Hmm i am swaying towards the speedcats to make a change from my usual shoe... as long as i can do them up tight enough so they dont move around, nice thin sole and good slim profile we're on to a winner! Obviously need to try them on first, will need to find a store that stocks them round here!
  10. Tried a search on this, but there werent that many topics, and so i thought i'd start a more reasoned discussion... What does everyone drive in these days? I ask because my current driving shoe, the humble dunlop green flash, is great, but I get through them quite quickly! Now that i need to replace them, im wondering if i should try stepping it up to something like a puma speedcats, or some pilotis... but what experiences do people have with proper 'driving' shoes? Is it noticeably different to just a regular pair of thin soled trainers, ie, converse, dunlop or vans? Problem is i really dont want to splash the cash to find i dont like them for driving... and if they would be fairly comfortable for casual wear as well that'd be a bonus!
  11. shirtless zedley! He has caught the sun well though, hes gone a very nice golden brown, must be happy with that!
  12. Pah... mine have arrived from ebay, but the postie has lost them somewhere in his van! tried twice to collect my letter from the depot with no luck still, does give me a chance to really empty the tank before filling up, i want to fill up only once the fuel light is on to maximise savings obviously! might go for a spirited drive to make sure its well and truly running on fumes... after all, when petrol was 80p a litre i used to go on 30 mile drives just for fun
  13. ...must resist... GLWTS, i give it an hour, tops
  14. well... ive just googled it, and i can see where the wink came from, but doesnt seem to be any reason for it that i can see! On the other hand, i quite like mr Plato, and Momentum 99 sponsors his car, so its good enough for me!
  15. Wow that is one shiny zed! Black definitely comes up best when properly washed!
  16. im happy! Gives me a excuse to buy some Momentum 99 which is my preferred fuel for the zed!
  17. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Tesco-petrol-vouchers-10p-off-x5-/230829772314?pt=UK_Tickets_Trave_Vouchers_Coupons_LE&hash=item35be86ce1a 5 vouchers for the low low price of £10.45 delivered... i've just ordered some, should get here before the weekend just in time for my monthly fill up
  18. you arent being a knob at all - its bang out of order! Trying to fob you off with a cheap tyre which clearly isnt suitable. They should consider themselves lucky that you didnt have bridgestones on, they're 80% more expensive again. and to be honest, the company doing the repairs arent the ones footing the bill, so why do they care? If my car was repaired by insurance, id expect it to be returned washed and waxed, and with like for like parts, otherwise the repairers arent doing their job properly, and thus the insurance company isn't holding up their end of the deal. After all, we pay through the nose for insurance , so when we do need it they damn well better do a decent job of it! And theres never an excuse for rudeness. Big thumbs down from me what was the garage? Name and shame my friend!
  19. it'd depend on your target figures - if you're shooting for 300bhp, then NA tuning is the cheaper alternative. if its 400bhp you're aiming for, you're probably looking at a FI setup, although it is just about doable with NA tuning. Anywhere north of there you'd have to go FI. If it was me and money was no object, id go for the full NA tuning route - wilder cams, high compression pistons, overbored block, longer stroke crankshaft and ITRs - just because it would be the nicer engine to drive. Personally i'm not a huge fan of turbo conversions... either big load of midrange torque which tails off if the turbo is too small to keep airflow at high rpm, or a laggy dinnerplate turbo which does nothing at low and mid rpm, but then gives a mahoosive hit when it kicks in. Personally i'd rather have a well sorted NA engine than a turbo'd engine that made the same power... not trying to be awkward, just keen on the merits of both! Just look at the difference between the BMW M54B30 engine which is a 3litre NA engine making 228bhp, and the S54B32, which is a 3.2litre NA engine making 338bhp!
  20. ah just read this a little more thoroughly... there was me thinking it was buying a single product and getting a voucher, but in most cases its buying 3 or 4 to get one voucher lol which isnt quite so good....
  21. i'd go for the beemer gets garaged, cos its brand new, worth a lot more than the zed and more likely to get nicked.
  22. nice one! looks like it will be a load of Tommy K, some coffee and some squash! Looks like i'll be making a trip to Tescos tomorrow lunchtime!
  23. Your Cooper S is FI, a Z is not. NA tuning is pointlesst I wouldn't say pointless.... its just considerably more expensive to get any decent power gains than going down the FI route.
  24. Good luck with the sale! Couple of years down the line i'd be all over a supercharged zed like a rash However I would ditch the mahoosive wing... looks so out of place imo... despite reading the advert, it just wouldn't fill me with confidence seeing that wing on it, its too fast and furious looking! For the sake of a few bolts i'd swap the boot back over so potential buyers are concentrating on the strengths of the engine mods and not the styling mods
  25. just watched the video on bbc... looks to me that vettel was ahead coming out of the corner, so button should have conceded the place. obviously if someone tries to dive up the inside and doesnt get alongside, they should back out of the move, but it looked to me that vettel was in front of button, so button should have slowed down to give vettel room on the exit. vettel did the right thing by giving room to button, who looked to be a bit out of shape on the exit.
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