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Everything posted by brillomaster

  1. read the comments on the video... just scrolled through 6 pages and found these gems: "sounds like Gordon Ramsay (on fire) being shoved into a blender feet first" "sounds like Steve McQueen wrangling an angry bobcat whilst operating a chainsaw" "Sounds like Chewbaca midway through a bunjee jump"
  2. Jag have just leaked the new F-Type, and it looks absolutely fantastic! http://www.topgear.com/uk/car-news/new-jaguar-f-type-picture-leaked-2012-9-20 But even better than how it looks, is how it sounds! powered by a supercharged V6 or a supercharged V8, theres also a vid of a V6 version hooning the hillclimb at Goodwood. http://www.topgear.com/uk/car-news/EXCLUSIVE-just-listen-to-the-new-Jag-F-TYPE-2012-07-10 Now have a listen, and tell me that isnt the best sounding car ever. I would never ever tire of that sound! EDIT: Just noticed the sound on overrun...
  3. i thought about including 'careering into a procession of joggers a la Grand Theft Auto 2 stylee, but then thought they probably wouldnt be running along a dual carriageway... I only speak from experience - having done the exact same thing myself when i first got my hands on a rwd car - luckily no one was around to hit. Heres a sweeping generalisation here - women hit more things, slower... and men hit less things, faster. so on that assumption, letting a 23 year old girl loose in a powerful car on a motorway would be safer than a 23year old guy.... however, if it was parking your zed in a busy car park, id rather the guy (as proved in this case!)
  4. phew, i was expecting to see a really bad bodykit job - but if you've got a lambo orange car, i dont see anything wrong with lambo dooring it. After all, if theres any car that can pull of lambo doors its a car with lambo performance to start with, not some chavved up 206
  5. Or, your fears could be well placed, and no sooner than she gets it off the driveway, the heavens open and shes faces with a 200 mile round trip in the pouring rain, having only driven her boyfriends near-300bhp car once before. Consequently, having only driven a diesel corsa with less power than a hairdryer, she plants the throttle to feel the power a bit coming off a greasy roundabout... back starts to slide, and all a tizzy, she winds on too much opposite lock to correct it, having next to no experience with rwd cars... however, tcs kicks in and catches the slide, but still with lots of opposite lock on, she careers onto the other side of the road, where she ramps the kerb or hits another car. Subsequently you're faced with massive insurance premiums for the next 10 years, your girlfriend is now scared of your car, and to top it off, shes not very happy with you for letting her out in it. Two questions from me - how old is your girlfriend and how many years has she been driving? i think the mixed opinions are coming from those with 20 something girlfriends with a couple of years driving experience, and 40 something wives with 20 years driving experience, the difference is huge. If your girlfriend shows any poor driving in her car (speeding, poor clutch control, sloppy gearchanges, on/off throttle) these will be magnified in your car. How long have you got before the weekend in question? if you're really considering letting her borrow it, then get her out in it as much as possible beforehand - seriously the second time of driving a car you would not be used to the controls even slightly. took me a couple of weeks to really get used to the clutch. And even then i'd still keep the veto that if its forecast to rain, she isnt going near it.
  6. agreed, direction on auto, but fan speed set manually.
  7. I think he meant that its in a womans nature that if they do something once, they're then allowed, no, its their RIGHT to be able to do it again... just because you let her drive it once, thats secret woman code for ' you may now drive it whenever you please'
  8. someone on here was just looking for a set of LMGT4s... cant remember who though, but there will be a recent post about it!
  9. I'll give you that one But once the car had started, would she have lifted the clutch and hit the wall? Depends if she would of checked what gear the car was in before lifted the clutch. Yep, definitely a no no! Although if she'd have been in the zed, there would have been two calls.... one - 'how do you start the car?' and then swiftly followed by 'i've driven your car into a wall'
  10. Mapped to 0.6psi!? i'd get that increase in pressure just by moving downstairs, doubt thats going to give an extra 100 horses!
  11. Flight lieutenant Zedley of the 350th division reporting for duty! After my shambolic day with the ground forces, thought i'd try my hand at aerial combat! After all, being a naturally acrobatic monkey im more suited to being in the sky than on the ground. Thankfully today was a training exercise, so no live fire, but still got to play with some cool machinery! first up was a brief history lesson... this is the engine that previously powered a Hurricane fighter plane... and the amount of power it produced was crazy! Its a V12, with 27 Litres, and it produces a cool 1,440hp at a mere 3000 rpm! and it does this at an altitude of 5500ft - i cant imagine what it would be making if they'd have strengthened the internal parts a bit and ran it at sealevel! and then it was time for the flight trainer - strangely 60 years ago they used to use steering wheels in aviation as well... bonkers. Although someones chopped a third of it off... must have been for weight saving? And naturally had to have a sit on this beauty... well, i do have a massive payload of my own between my legs And this lovely lass seemed to agree with me! Training over and servicewomen serviced, it was outside to get in the real thing. I feel the need... the need for SPEED! Well... not quite. But still, it gets higher off the ground than i can, so its alright in my books! And finally, heres a familiar sight... yes, even aeroplanes have to stop every once in a while and make expensive trips to the pumps! Thats all from me for now, next stop is Mr Maccaman! all the best for now fellow zedders! Zedley
  12. Nice work! heres hoping my 53 plate passes with equally flying colours next month... i'd spend the £300 saved on a nice cobra exhaust
  13. hell no! If he wants to be a reckless maniac with his own car that fine, but make him buy his own zed!
  14. hes off to maccaman next... zedleys got his bags packed ready, the long flight to stafford (about 60 miles) will (probably) be leaving tomorrow.
  15. First vote! And its put the stock 18s on and stop moaning. If you're driving it through winter on motorways its gonna be caked in roadgrim and salt anyways - so very quickly it'll turn a nice shade of browny grey, no matter what wheels you have on. Use the money you would have spent on a third set of rims and get some decent winter tyres, so that when the time comes to put the Volks back on again, you still have a car to put them on to
  16. but theres a big difference between her driving the car home one evening with the OP in the car, and her doing a 200mile round trip on her own... that sounds like throwing her in the deep end to me! I'd have her out with the OP a good half dozen times, before even allowing her to drive anywhere on her own. im sorry, but its still a definite no from me! she cant have seriously thought you'd let her after you said emergencies only - especially considering her car is considerably better for the task at hand as well.
  17. I have to say, i disagree with the comments about it just being a car, and if it get dented its only metal, etc etc... i dont know about the OP but my zed is my pride and joy - saved up for a year to buy it outright and i'd be beside myself if anything ever happened to it. and car park dings cost - had a little bump when someone reversed into me and it cost me near £400 to put right, which is a lot for a guy in my position. Its nothing against women drivers - i wouldnt let my brother drive my car either, as he has no experience of rwd, or anywhere near the amount of power the zed has. I let my dad drive my car with me in it as i trust him, but no one else. if the OPs other half wants to go driving sports cars, theres a simple solution - get shot of the diseasel and buy an mx5 for a grand - if she can manage to keep that out the hedgerows for a year, then maybe she'd be qualified to drive a zed. Just cos there is a nice car in the household, doesnt mean its fair game to be borrowed! if she wants a nice car then get her to buy a nice car!
  18. This. firstly, If she wants to take your zed over her economic diesel, then she can darn well pay the petrol. secondly, if her car has just one battle scar, thats one too many. someone who has car park bumps is not someone you want driving your car. especially since the zed will be a fair bit longer and wider, just increases the chance of a car park accident. In addition, whats the state of her car like? Is it filled to the rafters with empty coke cans, tissues, spent parking tickets and the like? if so, then you've got to expect the zed will come back in a similar state. And finally, whats her attitude to car servicing? if she doesnt service hers, it doesnt fill me with confidence she'll be mechanically sympathetic with yours. If she wants to drive your car, i'd let her drive it along some country lanes, with you in the car to watch over her. i think if someone is let off the leash in a 280bhp rwd sports coupe they might get a bit overexcited. alternatively, if she likes fast cars, then get her a trackday or a car control day
  19. Mmmm christmas should start early November... at the moment, all the xmas stuff goes out in october, then you live with it for 6 weeks, but then get massively depressed when you then realise xmas is still 6 weeks away If they're gonna have mince pies on sale in Mid september, they might as well just stock them all year round. Clearly the only people who would buy them this early would buy them all year round if they were available.
  20. Bruges was pretty sweet and easy to get to from England - see who can try the most belgian beers, as there are literally thousands to choose from, and most are a proper fighting 6-8%
  21. As for engine bay advice, theres a thread running right now with so many shiny 350Z engine bays your eyes will burn http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=65931
  22. Mmmmm, gotta be a Kinetix Plenum for me! Looks so good! This one or this one for me: And I'm sorry, but the cosworth plenum just looks like a six balled scrotum
  23. Howdy folks! Another update from little old me on my adventures with Brillo! Today the plan was originally to go out for a drive with Brillo and his dad - 'go east' they said, originally the plan was to look at a triangular lodge in Rushton, however, just as we were driving through Market Harborough, Brillo spotted a sign for 'Armourgeddon'... And it seems they were recruiting! First off we were given a little tour of the barracks... which were very well defended! Anything within a few miles of the camp was fair game with this little peashooter! Next up was the armoury, where we found this! I hitched a ride, but was a bit blinded by the spotlights! All was going well until... BATTLESTATIONS! Got a call from the General that there were enemies spotted... Being a brave little chap I hopped straight in to an APC, but errrm... couldn't reach the steering wheel. Or the pedals. Guess I wouldnt make a brilliant driver... big on heart, but small in stature Still things I could do though to help the cause. So I saddled up and got in the back with our brothers in arms Things got pretty tense out there - there was shrapnel flying everywhere! Luckily i had proper protection on... And was packing some serious firepower! Take that, Nazis! Then i got a play with more big guns... heres me lining up an enemy target All was going well, until we moved onto the tracked vehicles... something about them i just couldnt get. managed to just about miss being run over by one of these megaton beasts, but i did get caught up in the wheels... And then, to top it all off i was dishonourably discharged for incorrect shell loading technique.... And failure to realise that sitting on gigantic bombs is detrimental to your health Ah well... probably best they reassigned me with the communications! So my days in the allied forces were short lived... seemly not suitable for active duty on the ground... maybe i'd get on better in the air? Anyways, thats all from me for now, so i'll sign off using my skills on the morse code machine .... .- .--. .--. -.-- / --.. . -.. -.. .. -. --. All the best Zedley
  24. Question is, does it make any difference to the noise with the foam removed? Gotta love a bit of induction noise if available, the zed is pretty muted on the induction front as standard
  25. Mmmm up at 5 is the best time for a drive... remember doing bracknell down to dover just as the sun was coming up last december, not a soul on the roads and a nice crisp air. I love early morning runs, the early morning airport run is the best - something about empty lit dual carriageways that makes me think of driving in Tokyo for some reason. Enjoy the car, you'll want to drive it everywhere with a new exhaust and a remap!
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