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Everything posted by brillomaster

  1. Thats SIR Stirling Moss and SIR Jackie Stewart, don't you mean!
  2. +1 my gfs 1.1L 206 seemed to dance over the snow no problem! and theres my zed unable to even reverse 6 inches!
  3. gotta agree with zugs... i had a shower wiper that wasnt getting used in the shower at all... so was reassigned to car wiping duties - 1 minute before i get in and all windows and roof are clear of water. Especially important for me as if i dont spot a car through the side window before i try and pull out behind two vans i get my bumper taken off.
  4. Wow this thread has gone downhill fast! PS Katy Perry for me please
  5. You mean neither of these fine gentleman would be able to drive a car? Nah just have the compulsory 10 year retest, that would fail most over 65s.
  6. Could try the Santa Pod Drift what ya brung days? a lot closer to surrey, just up the M1. if you havent done any drifting before they're probably better as you can start on simple donuts and figure of eights around cones before being unleashed on a full course!
  7. well this is a first, i actually agree with people on here! i also think 10 year retests is the way to go.... but back to the specifics, there are some good and some bad points - like zero tolerance on alcohol is a good idea - if you're a young driver, you dont drink. period. However not being able to travel between 11pm and 4am or take a full car load of people? thats surely taking away one of the key reasons why young people get a car in the first place, so you can get back from late night gigs without relying on public transport or being picked up by your parents!
  8. Where are you starting from??? cos if you're in southampton, you wont get much driving in in scotland - equally if you're up north then cornwalls probably not for you. However, wales... just about everyone can get there, and its got some cracking roads
  9. I think the line 'sometimes i like to have 2 at a time' says more about you than them both being black!
  10. haha good work, i do wonder why insurers give you such ridiculous quotes sometimes. when admiral sent through my renewal they wanted over £2000 for the year, but after two phonecalls that had dropped to £950, which considering im 25 with 1year ncb is fine. but still a mere £697 for a zed is a billy bargain!
  11. or it could mean you're a closet schizophrenic?
  12. oh yeah, buying a grey car says 'i can't be arsed to keep a black or white car clean'
  13. "Gray: Neutral, Sober, Practical What you see is what you get with the straight-forward owners of gray cars. “It’s a color that is obviously very neutral,†says Eiseman. “So it’s really rather sober. The person who chooses it is usually very practical, very pragmatic. They’re people who make lists and talk things out" Hmmm, i spose i am practical and pragmatic... but the main reason i bought a 'drizzle grey' car is cos i didnt want another blue car! and to be honest its not the perfect colour, would have preferred a darker grey really.
  14. Walk away. Not that there appears to be anything bad about that particular car, but just a general rule about not buying the first car you look at Its definitely a buyers market at the moment for zeds, regardless of how good or bad this one is, look at a couple more anyways to get a rounded opinion. Although saying that, the questionable service history and LED lights would put me off, and it looks quite steeply priced for a 53 plate with 72k on the clock. I paid £6800 for my 53 plate with 41k on the clock, so id think £6k is more reasonable.
  15. Yoinked from pistonheads... http://www.pistonheads.com/news/default.asp?storyId=26406 I'll be taking mine in V6 S form thanks, 380bhp will do nicely! And seems they're keeping the exhaust - it has an "Active Exhaust system that uses bypass valves in the rear section to give the aural benefits of a 'straight-through' system when pressing on - or all the time, if you select Dynamic Mode"
  16. Cheap and cheerful has gotta be a cassette adapter... and don't be confused into thinking the sound quality will only be as good as a tape deck, as it isnt... an adapter doesnt store any music on a magnetised tape, it just converts electrical signal from an ipod to a magnetic signal, which is instantly picked up by the reading head and converted back into an electrical signal, with no interference (unlike FM transmitters) Also, this setup allows you to retain the steering wheel controls for volume, whereas if you swapped the head unit, you'd need another £70 to connect up the steering wheel controls.
  17. true, but there are plenty of adverts that get banned or censored - just wondering how violent an advert has to be before it gets banned? I mean, Pearce could have cut out the middle man and just ran up and punched him in the stomach... same end result, but clearly not acceptable in an advert... the ASA has banned other adverts for a lot less - old tango adverts come to mind.
  18. but is it supposed to be funny? i just think its in bad taste for the poor bloke to be the subject of an unprovoked violent attack by a thug... even if it is just an advert... and also how satisfied Stuart is with his actions, when it clearly looks like assault to me still, fair play for gocompare for getting up to a ten post thread lol
  19. ...turn over when the latest Gocompare advert comes on? Is it just me, or is it not very nice to watch some poor chap get a clearly very painful football to the stomach from football thug Stuart Pearce? How is kicking a football at someone any different to running up and punching him in the stomach? Poor Gocompare guy, hes only trying to advertise an insurance comparison site! Now im not normally a violent man, but if i watch the advert it makes me want to punch Mr Pearce in the face for his mindless violence. i'll get back to watching top gear now
  20. "Thats not going anywhere mate, thats basically engineered..." "The whole thing has been sealed professionally... with gaffer tape"
  21. hmmm will be a crying shame if the production model has a muted exhaust. As a spiritual successor to the E-type and a proper sportscar, they do have some license to make it sound fruitier. After all, you can clearly hear notes of the old straight six, which sounded great. Hopefully if they do mute it to mee noise regs, they'll at least put a trick butterfly valve in - quiet when you're cruising, but all hell breaks loose when you floor it. They should take a page from Capristo's book and have a valve thats fully programmable for engine revolutions and throttle opening- ie open all the time, open above a certain rpm, open above a certain throttle opening, or any combination of the two.
  22. from what ive read on here 12bhp gain sounds about right, sorry! might be able to squeeze a few more with some high flow cats, but thats about it...
  23. my GF is doing a Phd on something complicated, that spans chemistry, biology and maths... and when she graduates she expects to be called doctor To be honest i dont worry about it too much - we've both got letters after our names, she'll just have 6 more (got an MSc on the way). Hopefully she'll then go on to earn more than me and I can get a job as professional sofa tester
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