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Everything posted by brillomaster

  1. haven't bumped into anything yet - normally when i'm reversing back against a wall or something i find myself stopping about a foot short! I'm slowly learning that the inside of the boot is only maybe 4 inches in from the back of the car, so can actually park a lot closer than I think... The zed is actually a lovely little compact car compared to most monstrosities on the road these days ( a current 12MY ford focus is 5cm longer than a zed!)
  2. just given you a free bump with another thread! GLWTS - the exhaust looks awesome, i'd snap it up myself if i wasnt saving for a trackcar project
  3. dagnammit, i did a (very) brief search of the ebay forum... still, so nice to see a decent exhaust come up for sale secondhand its worth a second thread! mods feel free to remove!
  4. Now this is more like it! Every man and his dog wants a decent performance exhaust for cheap, well nows your chance - Although you may have to outbid me to get it! http://www.ebay.co.u...=item4ac0d9c61f
  5. im looking forward to new series - not because its necessarily good, but because its the only even remotely car related thing on tv these days. Top gear are very good at some things, and very bad at other things - just have to hope its one of the good things!
  6. SELL your current Zed. BUY a zed with a turbo or supercharger already bolted on - job done You're right it is too expensive to go down the FI route from scratch, but if you wait long enough the right turbo'd zed will come along for about £8-9k with all the work already done.
  7. blimey thats cheap! Its got heated leather so that bodes well - no cruise control so obviously not a UK GT car though, and its an auto, but even so, £4000 its on there for with only 60k on the clocks, seems to good to be true to me!
  8. was considering calling it a snow day and saying i couldnt get in, but after arrving at work and seeing the number of M3s in the car park i dont think that excuse would hold up! I did check, and yes they had fresh tyre tracks under the wheels - although theres a rather nice Z4M coupe that clearly hasnt moved since last friday!
  9. hmmm well that didnt work very well... spent quarter of an hour clearing all the snow and deicing windows and lights, to then manage to reverse 6 ft out of my parking space, and then be unable to move forwards to pull away... seems my drive is on a very slight incline - can reverse, but not go forwards. so, car is now stuck in middle of car park, blocking my girlfriends car in. Only option is to keep reversing onto the grass, which isnt icy yet and so actually provides some traction. In the end i had to take my gfs car and she had to take the bus - her car positively pronked (look it up) over the snow and out the car park, its like a little mountain goat with its stubbornness in snowy conditions! My car has been left abandoned on the other side of the car park for all to see and laugh at - its overoptimistic owner clearly having faffed around, realised its going nowhere and left it.
  10. Hmmm cross country drive down to Cheltenham last night easy... Roads totally clear so sailing along at 60 no problems. And today drove into the centre on slush more than snow... Should have took the zed !
  11. hmm, got in to work no problems - no snow then! But Prodrive called it a day at 12 and said people should go home - cue a scramble of four wheel drifts and handbrake turns out the car park... nah not really! only problems were pulling onto the a road with ESP doing its best to prevent me from doing so... but then was fine cruising at 50 on the M40. once i got back into leam the ESP got turned off as it was doing my nut in! still successfully parked back home now - we have to get down to cheltenham this afternoon though, so hopefully the M5 wont be too abysmal (taking the gfs 206)
  12. he wasnt a massive massive favourite... you had two outs on the turn (either of the remaining aces) so chances of you hitting one by the river are approximately 2 (number of outs) X 4 = 8%. and then once you hit your ace on the turn, he then has one out to beat you (the case 9) so the chances of him beating you on the river would be approximately 1 (number of outs) X 2 +2 = 4%. The fact that you beat him in the hand isnt so unlikely i'd consider a fix... admittedly you didnt have to rub his nose in it and hit quads, but fair play! To be honest its his fault for calling a preflop reraise with K9, especially knowing that with your reraise of nearly half your stack you're committed to the hand if he goes all in. (Man havent played poker for ages, writing that lot out reminds me how much fun it is!)
  13. Mmmm does look nice... very 2013... but its a tricky decision between this and the new viper - i think the viper swings it for now by having an extra 140bhp, but when the sportier versions come out it will be a very close run thing! looking forward to seeing the racing version at endurance events over the year!
  14. hmm, guessing by the comments that this one might be better viewed at home... NSFW?
  15. hooray top gear is back. something to watch on a sunday until the BTCC and F1 starts up again!
  16. no snow here in leamington - forecast for flurries overnight though, hopefully wont be too bad tomorrow morning.
  17. Saw this, liked it so thought i'd share. Plus features a rather nice zed, not someones on here? Happy weekend everybody! P.S. Also an excellent advertisement for an old E36 trackcar :wink:
  18. This is a barefaced lie if i ever saw one! Is there anything on the car you havent modified?!? Still, looking good, but i'm afraid you do have a terminal case of Zeditis - theres nothing that can be done for you!
  19. whos mantra was it, the unholy trinity of motoring - Fast, reliable, and Cheap - you can only have two of the three! Yeah i dabbled in fast and cheap... but the engine blew. so now i've changed to not so fast and not so cheap, but a lot more reliable!
  20. ah - but they are likely to fall apart/rust/blow up before a forged zed with only 25k on the clocks would...
  21. yeah but a cayman will appear to be going backwards compared to that zed! its not about what else you could buy for the same cash, if i had a spare £15k kicking around i'd get it, no way you're going faster for less!
  22. Wow that looks like a epic route! never really considered Spain as a driving location, but loved my time in the Pyrenees a few years back - somehow a very different feeling to them than the Alps. Also, make it three countries by having lunch in Andorra looking forward to seeing the pictures!
  23. if your first priority is as a muffler or a silencer, then it does indeed work great... as its too quiet! if however you're looking to be the smoothest exit for exhaust gasses, then its less good... too many baffles (find the thread where someone opened one up) my choice on a budget would be a scorpion system - same noise as stock at low rpm, but a lovely growl when you put your foot down. the exhaust is the main reason why i dont like revving my engine out... above 5k the engine note really starts to feel strangled to me, makes more of a whooshing than growling. but then again my preious car was a 3 litre v6, with a decatted true dual exhaust and sounded absolutely when going for the redline.
  24. Mmmm, everyone knows the zed makes a very decent cross country GT car! If my company provided free petrol, i would drive everywhere - definitely if its a jaunt across europe! So are there any opportunities for fun and games or is it just out and back, Péages all the way? Surely theres some chances for nice French A roads?
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