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Everything posted by brillomaster

  1. had two today... strange how often your spidey sense is right, you can just sense the bad egg which is going to pull out in three... two... one... yep, there he goes. No please, after you, just pull out on me! didnt have time to beep the first guy, but i think my 70% emergency stop before ploughing into the side of him probably portrayed my dislike.
  2. hell yes, that looks very cool IMO. and a bit mental, honestly, who puts a 3.5 litre V6 in a people carrier! Welcome to the forum!
  3. mmm 551 WHP on crappy 93RON fuel... imagine what some decent 98 can do
  4. yeah i think 2012 pips it for me... annoyingly the number of songs i recognise means i'll have to admit defeat and say i quite like pop music
  5. hmmm welll i hope mine is undervalued... £5,300 for a 53 plate UK GT car with 57k on the clock seems a little cheap to me... although encouragingly i can do another 40,000 miles and the value only drops by £200...
  6. heel and toe is a method to rev match whilst maintaining pressure on the brakes - ie, approach corner start braking with ball/left side of right foot, clutch in, downshift, blip throttle with heel/right side of right foot whilst still maintaining brake pressure, clutch out again. at this point you can still be on the brakes. nomally when approaching a hairpin from a 4th gear straight i would brake - heel and toe into third - heel and toe into second - release brakes - turn in to corner. rev matching is just making sure the engine speed matches the wheel speed of the new gear - this can simply be downshifting from 5th to 3rd for an overtake for example, one would blip the throttle whilst changing gear so as not to make the car lurch when you engage 3rd gear. with practice it doesnt even need a blip - say you're accelerating in 5th, but want to downshift to 3rd - once you dip the clutch the continued pressure on the throttle will make the revs rise, then you can just engage the lower gear when the revs are high enough. double declutching is largely redundant on any modern car as all have syncromeshes on the gears - and can be done up or down the gears, whereas heel and toe is only used on downshifts. and clutchless shifts are really only necessary if your clutch wont release - but its pretty straightforward, especially upshifts - just pull the stick out of gear, then as the revs drop, gentle pressure on the stick towards the next gear should see it slot in when the revs match. dont force it otherwise you'll get a horrible grinding noise! for downshifts a blip on the throttle is definitely required as above. One way i like to think about driving is imagine a nearly full glass of water on the passenger seat - if anything you do causes the water to slosh around so mush it spills over, be it accelerating, braking or cornering, you're not driving smoothly.
  7. Congrats Jonathan, your car and Oulton Park video have both made it onto Pistonheads Carpool
  8. always play petrol gauge roulette - mainly because i know the gauge is rubbish. quite happy doing 40-50 miles on the dashes if the mpg readout for the tank is good - very rarely need to fill up before 400 miles. if i do fill up when the dte says empty, i only fit 60 litres in! also, my car frequently panics about petrol just after i start driving - about 5 minutes into a drive it will panic and give me a range of 20 miles, but then 10 miles later it finds some more petrol and dte goes back up to 60
  9. All the best! get it cleaned up and take a tripod so you can get some pics under the illuminations!
  10. reminds me of Jeremy Foleys crash at Pikes peak last year - driver walked away, copilot had a dislocated shoulder. Absolutely unbelievable how much abuse a rollcage can withstand.
  11. Nice purchase, our mate has an MR2 same as yours for track use. has a great sounding engine, but a bit down on power IMO - and also he cant seem to stop spinning it, so might take a bit more practice before you'reas happy chucking it around as you were the MX5.
  12. Psssh, VX220 is a poor mans Elise? have to disagree with that, given a choice of the two i'd probably take the VX220 - i'm completely blind to badges, and i genuinely think a VX220 is a better looking and better driving car.
  13. i like the wing, and strangely, the wheels. but the rest of it, not for me thanks!
  14. Commuting 20 miles a day along the motorway, I aim for 28mpg if i set cruise control to 75. At 85 this drops to 26mpg. Normally aim for 400 miles between fill ups. To be honest, all these peopel saying how they never get over 20mpg... i dont see how you can get BELOW 20mpg. I'd say if you're getting above 20mpg, then you arent driving the car long enough to warm it up properly, and you should probably be riding a bike... Big engines dont like short journeys, even a spirited drive round wales in a zed convoy I averaged 27mpg, due to it being over 100 miles drive. Also, to those who says not a zed unless its doing over 5000rpm, again I disagree... one of the reasons I bought a big capacity engine is so I can waft along on a wave of low down torque - if you want revs i'd suggest a s2000 or an M3. I love my zed just doing 70 in top gear, cruise control on. Such a nice place to be!
  15. yep mine finally gave up last week as well, 53 plate car still with the original nissan battery in. replaced with a Bosch, although couldnt work out how to get the battery clamp back on! next original bit to be replaced are the disc rotors... again, not bad for 10 years!
  16. Already exists... Off Topic Discussion, then Motorsport and Track days
  17. hmm, if i can find a bit torrent site that hasnt been blocked i'll look out for this!
  18. saturday for me! gonna get a new exhaust at the same time, cant wait!
  19. Agreed, or an Audi R8. Its just too pricey for my tastes, £45-50k seems about right to me!
  20. You can have a directional tyre, or a sided tyre... You cant have both, otherwise you'd need to specify either a RH or LH when ordering a tyre, and i cant think of any where that is the case. The 452s are directional so as long as they're rotating the right way they can go on either side.
  21. welcome to the forum! looking forward to seeing where this goes - only possible problem is that rx7s and supras are turbocharged from factory, bit more work involved in getting huge numbers from a NA engine, but very best of luck!
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