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Everything posted by brillomaster

  1. Pah, we chased a 350z round bedford in our 17 year old 328i, and he wasnt pulling away over a lap faster in a straight line yes (276bhp plays 193) but too heavy through corners and not good under brakes - if you want to make a zed faster round a track, it needs to be lighter and with better brakes. yes, a 400bhp zed would get you to the next corner faster, but then the lighter, less powerful car behind you will close the gap under braking, and carry more speed through the corner.
  2. me with my mate the stig. some say hes a short arse... and i agree.
  3. me with my mate Roger Moore. good times.
  4. Mmmm flames from the exhaust is about the coolest thing a car can do... even better if your mpg has gone up!
  5. weather better change back to being good in a week, off to lanzarote then! although we're taking the train to the airport, which is a shame, as nothing gets a holiday off to a better start than a 4am blat along some dual carriageway to the airport just as the sun is rising!
  6. Well well well how the tables have turned... just as BMW drops the ball with a FWD people carrier, Renault picks it up again with their next twingo, deciding on a rear engined, rear wheel drive layout Admittedly the engines won't set your hair on fire, but refreshing to see a small car manufacturer switching to rwd - could be a real drivers gem!
  7. Mmmm shiny! reminds me of an old skool ferrari gear knob, just need the open gate to go with it!
  8. not in any way influenced by a certain succesful movie franchise of the last decade? but seriously though. that is very big. and very yellow. i fear if you drive that through urban areas small dogs will have heart attacks! Any plans for mods? might i suggest an exhaust, just to make sure that EVERYONE on the high street turns round to look at you drive by!
  9. fair point - i've got a stubby, but seriously, a tenner to replace the fishing rod is a no brainer! nothing else planned though, i like it just the way it is
  10. and for car enthusiasts everywhere. BMW have announced this: The 2-series Active Tourer. The first ever BMW with front wheel drive. as far as i can see, it has nothing at all to distinguish it from the multitude of other short wheelbase yet tall car mpv-cum-hatchback eco dieselbox things made by every other car manufacturer. sad times BMW, you used to have morals and make cool cars for real drivers, but now you've sold out and made a car exactly the same as everyone else to try and get some more markets share in a sector you have no business being in.
  11. i'll be honest - my car is 11 years old now, its hardly brand new. it only occasionally gets washed anyways - i bought it for the way it sounds and drives, not the way it looks. if i do steal and admiring glance, its from 6 feet away, rather than 6 inches away, and its hard to notice swirls at that distance besides, i've never had any problem with my local automatic car wash, seems to wash just fine. i would worry more about giving it to the local handwash place, nothing to say they havent used the same sponge to wash the last 20 cars and dropped it on the floor a few times in between. if i notice the automatic car wash starts giving me problems, i'll stop using it - but until then, i couldnt care less if someone puts there nose right next to my car and notices a few swirls - i'm sorry but i've got way bigger fish to fry! In my opinion cars are to be driven, not washed. its just gonna get dirty again anyway
  12. Yes, a few of us have been on the skidpan at Rockingham, search for 'dance of the zeds' for the results! Plus rockingham happens to be a rather nice circuit for a trackday! Oulton park have a wet drift facility you could go along to - not tried it myself but again a few people on here have taken zeds on it. very slippery surface, zero tyre wear (but your car will get filthy)
  13. stubby aerial already, so nope, dont bother with that. I do fold in the mirrors though. side windows? generally you want them in the fully closed position...
  14. yep, quite like my local sainburys car wash! i cant be arsed washing it myself, i'd rather spend the time driving it. occasionally take it to a local (ish) handwash place, but most times its straight through the automated one.
  15. few and far between in my opinion - Mazda on track used to do great days with coned courses on a big carpark. i did notice they are doing this day if you're anywhere near brands hatch: http://www.mazdaontrack.co.uk/brands-hatch---wednesday-9th-april-2014--car-control-day-609-p.asp
  16. yeah i was maybe thinking a swapsies... but im in the midlands, quite a long way to Kent! ah well, i'm sure you'll ge it sorted. As mentioned, get Tarmac or CS to mail order you a scorpion, local garage to fit and then store the BC while it waits to be sold.
  17. Give it a couple of hours, soon it'll be a 2 litre GTI
  18. +1 would help a lot, lost count of the number of times 'for sale' posts dont have a location!
  19. actaully saying that, wherabouts you based? i've got a cobra resonated (bought new in November 2013) and a standard y pipe, but i would have gone for a secondhand buddyclub if one was available at the time!
  20. depending on condition, i'd say maybe £400-£450. I think new they're around £700.
  21. agreed 6am is my cut off for early starts! but then again, once im in my beemer, i dont know what the time is, so i inevitably drive faster than i should and get there 20 minutes before i planned to
  22. how old is the car? if it was an old, high miler i'd want to see it start from cold ideally - if its only 3 years old and done 25k id probably trust it was fine.
  23. just swap it back for a secondhand standard one off ebay, or a scorpion system if you want to go cheap aftermarket. no shame in saying an exhaust is too loud! you'd be better off flogging the exhaust to someone who wants a loud exhaust, rather than try and mod a loud exhaust so its quieter.
  24. solid sunstrips look fine on a race car, but definitely tinted but translucent for a road car. and yes, if the windscreen wipers go over the sunstrip its a fail. although i guess you could fit smaller windscreen wipers?
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