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Everything posted by brillomaster

  1. only thing that would stop me using it every day is if i couldnt reverse it out my parking space due to snow. Thankfuly, no snow this year round here!
  2. Mmm that A class does look nice! although clearly designed for bigger rims than that, they look tiny! Point taken about Plato's attitude sometimes - although I do think he plays up to it, and the old guard always seem to be bitter about the young guys, Neal is the same for me.
  3. Haha he does split opinion! personally I prefer Plato to Neal, but would prefer to see either Shedds or Jordan on the top step this year Is Jordan going to be in a silly Honda Civic estate as well or is that just the team dynamics boys?
  4. us too looks like a really good track, i think it will suit heavier higher powered cars better than the lighter nimbler stuff, our target is 110 on the back straight i reckon. need to get our car sorted out first though... going to pop down my local part worn tyre place for a rear tyre - although it cant be a Goodride, Accelera or Hankook, as we'd hate to have a matching pair
  5. Entertaining video from Auto express here - and a susprising outcome. I think the choice of track and the wet conditions did the zed no favours (somewhere like Donington or Snetterton in the dry and the zed would monster it), but still the peugeot does remarkably well. Given a choice between the two, the nismo Z does everything for me - looks, power, noise, the works. Whereas the peugeot is the exact opposite... just looks a mess and a 1.6 turbo engine about the least desireable way i can think of to make that level of power.
  6. takes a while for the release agent to wear off new tyres, what style of driving was the first 150 miles? if its cruising along a motorway, thats not going to be working the tyres particularly hard, so would take even longer to wear off the release agent.
  7. wow that's a geeky question - however I will refer this thread to my GF when I get home, and get her views - I suspect DC, Batman and the Joker will be her answers!
  8. gonna depend a lot on the conditions... on an ice rink, probably about 800rpm, in third gear, no throttle maybe... on a dry dragstrip with sticky drag rubber, you can probably dump the whole lot at a launch and it wouldnt wheelspin. somewhere in the middle, say a dry day, smooth tarmac and fairly decent tyres, with a standard zed, maybe 4000rpm? though to be honest i can count on two fingers the number of times i've tried to do a quick launch in the zed, and both times the tcs cut in, so i clearly need more practice!
  9. useful tip for any tight allen key bolts... seatpost over the end for extra leverage, and you get a nice comfy saddle as a handhold
  10. Crikey that one of Ken on our bonnet looks very, very disturbing! Was a good day, perfect weather, track could have been a little more engaging though.
  11. yup will be watching every single race on itv4 i reckon - might try and get along to rockingham as well.
  12. i think if you're fitting a 4 into 2 into 1 manifold to a zed you're miscounting the number of cylinders
  13. well, its kind of a catch22 here... as CPR is sposed to keep the blood pumping round the body, but watching that all mine seemed to accumulate in one place
  14. lol i said don't! if you do it wrong and don't match revs to the new gear its called shift locking, as for a brief second the driven wheels are underotating relative to the roadspeed before the revs rise. Its a technique that can be used to initiate a drift, works like pulling the handbrake, except it wears out the gearbox and the clutch, rather than the handbrake...
  15. awww that was awesome! she looked like she was having fun! to me looked like he was doing some third gear pulls on a dual carriageway, cant see a great deal wrong with that personally...
  16. Ken and I have a day booked at Snetterton on the Sunday 23rd March - few spaces if left if anyone wants to come along, organiser is Javelin Trackdays. One 350z is already registered, anyone on here? We'll be in the dark green beemer
  17. try NOTdoing if a few corners, then see how much she likes being lurched around when you downshift! warning - dont try this if you're about to or already turned into a corner, unless you're a proficient drifter!
  18. my question is how wide are the wheels on whatever that is in that photo? thats a redonkulous amount of stretch going on!
  19. i wish more people went for the frost grey seats, rather than the nasty (IMO) alezan Orange... one of them i really really like, the other i really really dislike...
  20. pops and crackles are fairly easy to come by, you've done all the right things by decatting and fitting a sports exhaust. full on flames are a little trickier. however, i do agree that full on flames are cool in my opinion - following both a R33 Skyline and a turbo'ed Lexus Altezza on track, which were both making huge FLAAAAMES under braking and downshifting for corners. but as said, its a lot easier with a turbo - save up for one of them!
  21. but admittedly it has been over a year since i originally posted it... but definitely worth another watch!
  22. think you mean this one: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Genuine-Nissan-350Z-DC-SPORTS-EXHAUST-SYSTEM-/181325699215?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item2a37da988f was on ebay a few weeks ago, must have not hit the reserve. I was tempted, but wondering if this is an older design as the ones i've been looking at all have an X pipe crossover, but this one doesn't.
  23. Errrm, i'm pretty sure the paper ones actually offer the best protection.. a filter is designed to stop particulates getting in the engine, and paper does that best. I'm sure a lot of so called 'performance' filters are actually worse for an engine, as while they let more air through, they also let more particulates through - its up to you where your trade off between airflow and filtration level is. This is the last page of a 9 page test that Fastcar did with all the main brands of filter - theres a big difference in the level of restriction that each offers. http://www.fastcar.co.uk/2012/05/04/performance-car-air-filter-test/9/
  24. post up the date and we might join you in the beemer
  25. sounds normal to me - whenever i get back in my zed after driving something modern and VAG-ish i immediately think i have four flat tyres as the steering is heavy, i nearly stall pulling away as the clutch is heavy, and then i find I need a bigger stab on the brake pedal as they arent massively overservoed like a lot of modern stuff. it can be a bit of a tank around town, but once you get on a fast A road it starts to make sense
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