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Everything posted by fletch23

  1. Good afternoon everyone. Having run an import Celica for the past 3 years I think the time has come to change up! I really like the look of the 350z. And now they are starting to fall into my price range. I have no problems with buying an import as the Celica has been fault free and much better than the english models my friends had brought. Fuel costs for the celica were about 320 miles for £65. I don't do a huge amount of miles. Well below the average mileage of most drivers. I never use main dealers for servicing as I feel they are a massive rip off. So I use my faithful old school mechanic who I have used for years. So what I am asking is what are the 350z like to live with everyday? Will I need to sell an kidney to run it? What, if any, are the pitfalls or achilles heal of the car. What do I look for when buying. Thanks in advance for your help. Ta
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