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Everything posted by MK-Ultra

  1. Thanks i will check it out.
  2. Trust me i was a massive fan of online sims, i've tried nearly all of them, from the console ones like GT and Forza to the PC sims like RFactor Live for speed and now IRacing and i have to say IRacing beats them all. The only thing with IRacing is the cost, What you do is pay a membership which gives you a few tracks and cars. You then buy the cars and tracks separately, getting discounts for bulk buying. All the tracks are laser scanned and are as near to the real thing as you can get, every bump and camber is true to real life. It started with mainly Nascar but has now incorporated a lot of other classes. There as several professional Nascar drivers that regurly use it for practice and fun, as the tracks are so good. There is F1 but only one car the 2009 williams, while it may not appeal to some the reason there is only one is license costs and the time it take sto get the phyics as near to real as possible. If you have a decent wheel and a bit of free time i would strongly recommend checking it they usually have special offers of a 3 month membership for the price of one for newcomers. If you love your sims check it out you will not be dissapointed
  3. Although forza is a good game it pales in comparison the IRacing. If your just after a fairly realistic game then its good but if you want a proper sim, look no further than IRacing. Its Unbelievable. You don't get anywhere near the amount of cars as GT5 or Forza but the physics and tyre model are second to none. I've been IRacing for about 30 races and only recorded 1 victory where as in the last Forza me and my mate where nearly always top in the room. But as i said it is proper hardcore!! You need to put quite a bit of practice into it. But the one victory was an immense feeling! Next best thing to real racing, which i would love to do but lack both the time and funds
  4. Hi mate, So these LED's: "just ordered these for the inside cabin lights: http://www.ultraleds.co.uk/high-brightn ... -2392.html" Worked fine? was thinking of changing those lights but was unsure myself as to which ones to get? Cheers, Lionel.
  5. Haha!! Thanks again for all the replys. I'm not planning on doing another day until the new year but i'll try the window reset before i do to see if it helps. I don't think its coming from the window although i was concentrating on my driving never driven over 110 before so doing 140 was quite a change, even if it was on a straight!!! At least others have had the same issues and its not just me! Cheers, Lionel.
  6. Thanks for the replys. I've checked everything and all seem tight and secure, all the seals seem good. Yes i could just do 119mph but i dont wanna!! Has anybody else experienced this?
  7. Ha Ha!! Thanks for that! I'll go out and have a good look over it too see if I spot anything. Thanks for the quick reply.
  8. I know!! i thought he was going to go splat on the backboard. Those crazy japanese game shows
  9. Hello people, i'm hoping some of you kind members can help me. I took my car for some driver training over the weekend at got to really open her up without fear of the police and loss of license!!! The only issue of the day was when I got upto 120mph there was a massive increase in wind noise. I stopped and made sure all the windows where shut, the boot was closed properly and nothing was hanging off my car! All seemed to be good so done another run and the same thing happpened again. It starts to creep in at about 110-115 and reaches its peak quickly at around 120mph. I couldn't really tell exactly where it was coming from, but sounded like it was above/behind my head. The person i was with couldn't really tell either. I would like to know what this is? is it just a issue with the areo of the car, and it happens with others or is it something that can be fixed? Not that I plan on doing 120 everywhere, but it's something that is buggung me. Many thanks, Lionel.
  10. I searched and couldn't see that this had been posted before. Got to love the commentator as he jumps, sound like a street fighter move!!!
  11. Glad to hear they didn't hit your car. As said there are many sausage jockeys on the road. I had a similar incident on saturday going through Hemel hempstead two asbo's in a A3 and a clio recklessly undertaking/overtaking other cars while racing each other. Very nearly side swiped me and a couple of others. I was just hoping they would smash each others to bits, or by the whine there poor small engines were making, blow their cars to pieces. Sadly neither happened.
  12. Good job matey I'm not too bad when it comes to the mechanical side of things but wouldn't even know where to start with respraying properly. Wish i did as my front bumper and bonnet need doing!! Again real nice job bet your proud
  13. I would love this to make a difference, i really would thats why i signed it. I really can't see it doing so, yes it might make them reconsider raising it as much as the plan too but it needs to come down not stabilize. Just think how much it has gone up in the last couple of years, the £1 a litre is a distant memory. I remember when i started driving only ten years ago and it was only 68p a litre!! I know there are reasons both ligitimate and not so for the rise, but they can get away with it because they know nobody will do anything to stop it. Yes there will be petitions, but i don't think the goverment and the people in real power give a damn.
  14. Thats a bad price at all, thanks for that i'll check them out now. When i got the car about a month ago it had Bridgestones up but the Main dealer put Nexens on the rear and they are terrible. I asked him about why they put them on but he didn't give me a great answer and just tryed talking his way round it. Quite dissapointed. My Bridgestones have just over 3mm left on them but with winter coming up would like to get new tyres but TBH can't affored the £800+ for Michelin or Stones all round. And don't want to mix. Thanks again for those sites i'll check them out. Cheers, Lionel
  15. Hi mate thats good to hear, i'm in the need of some new tyres soon, and was thinking about the Vreds. May i ask where you got them from?
  16. Hi ya, good to see another member! Not in my Zed unfortunately, I was working, putting some lights up on a property. Was it you that was trying to arrange I small meet at the attic cafe? if so is it still going on? Lionel.
  17. Spotted a Grey/silver 350 on stoke newington green about 8:30 this morning. Plate RL52.
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