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Everything posted by richcoad89

  1. Hi all, I hope I'm not posting this in the wrong section, I don't have enough posts to post this through trading post, however I'm not selling through this website, just advertising an eBay auction.. Nismo Weldina Exhaust For Nissan 350z Back Box Titanium Performance http://bit.ly/UAzlUL Email me through eBay for any offers etc. Again I'm sorry if I have put this in the wrong topic.
  2. Sorry, it seems I undercut you :-S The guy I bought it off was a real lucky bugger! He bought it at an auction for £12! Luckily a mechanic refused to cut it up and stick it on his fiat panda (no joke!) It's the real deal, the serials all match to 350z, slightly different from the pics above... It ends rsz35 not 55. Hey hum, il have a look later see if it fits. My biggest concern is that it may not bolt strait on to the stock pipes.... We shal see. Sorry again to whoever I undercut.... Oh and he accepted £100 less than it was offered for....
  3. Hi all, On flebay at the moment is a screen for the standard satnav off a 350z, now ive heard the stock satnav is crap but does anyone know if the screen is compatible with say a car-putor ? (if I ever get round to building one!) or even just linking it up to a DVD player?? Thanks
  4. Yea, but 75% of gtr's are grey! Can't be that many people with money to burn like that! He seemed a bit up himself - however that's probably just the jealousy side of me speaking! He and his mate in a bently didn't want to socialise with us mere weekend drivers! Or so it seemed! Oh how I dream of owning an rx7! One day, when I have my own private mechanic and a parts bin full of spare engine bits!!
  5. I know it's not everones cup of tea, but recently I was down at Smeathorpe (near Exeter) on an old abandoned airfield where an organised drift and drag took place. Great fun, but no 350s! (a spanking new gtr tuned by dragon racing with 600bhp It's on again in november and in gonna head down there if anyone's interested???
  6. Thanks for all the advise guys! I don't mind a change in tone (as long as it's a nice one) it's just I drove a full hks system 350 which was just a little too loud for everyday driving! Yea FI would be good but mines a slightly high miler at 84k so i presume an engine rebuild would be on the cards for that! Could I ask a noob question?? What's the revup mod? I'd love to think that the latest 350z models (the 313bhp ones) were just an air box upgrade or something!! wishful thinking!
  7. Hello all, I've been reading alot into performance mods for my 350z. I can't afford a vortech v-2 or a cosworth plenum, but I'd like to round the power up to around the 300bhp mark. The section about mods here is brilliant and I have learnt alot from it, but on a budget where do I start? Oh and here's the thing - I don't really want to change the noise it makes too much.... I was thinking headers, y-pipe/decat, 06 onwards airbox with high flow panel filter, plenum spacer and a remap to top them all off?? Can anyone add some experience to add or change what you think may be better. Also I need things to be fairly easy to do, I have access to tools and a ramp but can't rip the engine out for a stroker kit! Thanks!
  8. Hello everyone, Thought I'd introduce myself... I'm Rich, currently living near Bristol, and a 350z Novice! (Ive had mine 2 weeks! But already I dont think I could live without it!) Its a bog Standard 2004 model in Azure blue with the GT pack. Id love to think I could put some serious money into its amazing engine, but like I have found out, the 350z 'aint cheap to mod!
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