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Everything posted by bamdc2

  1. PMSL good banter!! Get the fake stereo one, will look like a boss through town cruising! On a more serious note if you didnt know about them being for turbos, you learn something new every day.
  2. Sorry wasnt able to get online over weekend. Thanks for replies, will check the obvious in case its heat shield. Although I think your right and that its likely drop links. When they start to go is it unsafe to drive? Do I need to replace asap?
  3. Every now and again when driving through town I get consistent rattle/squeak from what I think is coming from the rear suspention whenever I go over an uneven surface. Its definately a rattle and not a knocking/clunking and happens at town speeds (under 30mph). After a little driving it suddently dissapears but will eventually come back again. From reading some posts I thought it might be compression arms (is that also the banana arm?) but the rattle does not go away when applying the brakes. It almost sounds as though something is loose and squeaking but the noise does seem related to the bumps and suspension travel. Along with the clicking axle (which needs greasing) its doing my head in!!
  4. hmmm does seem a little low even with all those upgrades. Jez would surely know if there were any fueling issues. I consistently get 22/23mpg around town but I havent specifically reset the mpg for a long run. Definately get more than 20.7 though! Must be the way its mapped?
  5. bamdc2

    MOT time

    I had a blowing exhaust and needed new back box and CS hooked me up with a Skorpion one. Zed sounds soooooo much nicer with an aftermarket one! Can vouch for CS so drop them a line.
  6. Dont panic im sure its not crash repaired!! haha not even 10 posts and you got the poor guy sweating bullets!!!
  7. I wondered why my Zed wasnt working when I put Diesel in!! Weird stats though, how you can possibly get it that wrong!
  8. Havent heard of that before. You checked water/coolant fluid levels?
  9. bamdc2

    MOT time

    Good luck!! Wait for the "Clutch looks worn and I dont like the look of your flywheel!!" Im sure it will be fine!!
  10. Yup, take them out for a drive. Dont really like the 370z that much in terms of looks but I would love to try one out just to see how the flappy paddles are and the rev match!
  11. Woop, good work! Just in time for the sun!!
  12. I would take it back to the dealership. I think if you went elsewhere it would muddy the waters. See how you get on once you take it back and let them investigate it first. You can always go elsewhere at a later point.
  13. Well done mate, well happy for you. Im sure it will be a great motor! All about making it your own!! Countdown to zeditis!!
  14. £6k is good price but bear in mind that full exhaust system/breathing mods and up rev/map will prob cost you £1k plus the change of wheels if you want Rays. Just thought I would point that out if your tight on budget as you will be paying in the long run. Just make sure the repair job on scratches etc is good as the colour match on Zeds can be tough. That 2005 Z looks better but honestly dont rush into things too much, I know its tough to keep a level head once you drive one!
  15. bamdc2


    Really lovely car! Not sure if I would be worried about such low milage since new. 2k miles a year is nothing, have been warned about cars with such low milage over a few years. That aside soooo nice!
  16. Wow that is amazing price! Mine is due next month and the best I can get is £350
  17. Also my Integra speedo was 10% out as well. Prob a JDM thing!
  18. From what i remember when I bought my JDM Integra there should be a 'JUMVEA' certificate which confirms the import mileage. This will confirm the milage in kilometers. Mine read 98k (ish) kilometers so I know that it had done approx 62k miles at point of import. From import the odometer was changed so it clocked miles but they are not allowed to change the number on them (had to keep it at 98k). This means you will have a mixture of KM and miles so make sure you get this JUMVEA certificate to provide the initial KM milage and then the subsequent MOT's which confirms the miles you ahve done since ownership in the UK. Tbh there are A LOT of JDM cars that come over to the UK/for sale in UK that all have around 60k on the clock. End of the day you cant ever prove it hasnt been clocked and I reckon a lot of them have been. The Integra I had didnt miss a beat and I drive that thing hard!!
  19. screw welding it just get a new sexy exhaust!!
  20. Totally agree with above, making it your own with mods. Performance wise, I dunno I saw this youtube video where in Japan there was a supercharged (and god knows what else) 350z that had coilovers, slicks all stripped out etc etc and it totally destroyed a GTR. The amount of mods you can do is crazy, in its basic form a car is just a shell at the end of the day and you can do whatever to it within reason.
  21. bamdc2


    A momentus occasion!!! Hope you bought a cake!
  22. Awesome, I will keep an eye out for that. Definately worth checking out at some point!
  23. This may be old news but I have only just come across it and thought I would share. http://www.driftlanduk.com/ Dedicated drift track in UK! Little far away for me as its in Scotland but may be worth combining it with a Scotland road trip!!
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