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Everything posted by DerbyCore

  1. Amazing video for such an amazing car. Just looked at some of the other videos they've made, really impressive stuff.
  2. Just realised my typo with the price its £2400. Anyway heres the Link. Can't see them dropping it to within my ideal budget though, looked at their cars before, they don't like to budge on price very much. I'm aiming for ~£8-8.5k, that's not to say I wouldn't happily spend less if something comes along. Lots on auto-trader going as low as £6.5k at the minute.
  3. Just thought I'd finally say hi, I've been lurking for a couple of months as I read up on Zeds. I've finally decided to start hunting one down after I noticed prices starting to decline. I've started looking for a 04-06 GT preferably in black with Sub 55k on the clock. Today I found a GT4 [in black] (No. 88) for sale at a dealer with 55k on the clock but the price was far more than any of the examples I've been looking at. So the burning question, is a GT4 worth the ~£2400 price difference bearing in mind it has nearly 10k more miles than some of the models I'm looking at or would I be in a position for some serious bartering? Anyway, Hi
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